At night- Pixelart step by step [ENG/ESP]

in Alien Art Hive17 days ago


Hello again dear reader, this pixelart I think is one of those few that have served to make me see what style I want to have.
At the time of making any illustration/animation, literally anything, I usually think about the things I would like to draw, in this case it was: a female figure, a vending machine, and the scene I wanted to be at night so I could manipulate the light of the vending machine.

I think we all deal with those moments when we want to do something but because we don't feel enough, we try to avoid it... today was one of those days, illustrating is one of those activities where you are constantly learning (if you are like me and you always like to challenge yourself and try new things), if you just stay in your comfort zone you never challenge your abilities... that's why I always try to do something I don't know or haven't done before, to work with backgrounds, to animate backgrounds, eyes, hair, faces, I always try to do new things to learn by trial and error.

I will not lie saying that it is not exhausting, and this has an explanation.... a few months ago I remember reading a study in which they explained which areas of the brain were activated doing different activities, and when studying/trying to learn how to do something, the brain activates the same areas as when it feels pain, this is why it is so uncomfortable to even think about doing something you don't know, because you learn on the fly in a quick period of time...

In short, those who are really dedicated to challenge themselves suffer but advance C:
XD with this clear I leave you with the process of how I made this pixelart. ehhh usually I always choose the amount of pixels that I like or modify it to my taste, that's why it's irrelevant for me.


Hola de nuevo querido lector, este pixelart creo que es de esos pocos que han servido para hacerme ver que estilo quiero tener.
Al momento de hacer cualquier ilustracion/ animacion, literalmente lo que sea, suelo pensar en las cosas que me gustaria dibujar, en este caso fue: una figura femenina, una maquina expendedora, y la escena queria que estuviera de noche para poder manipular la luz de la maquina expendedora.

Yo creo que todos lidiamos con esos momentos en los que queremos hacer algo pero como no nos sentimos suficientes, tratamos de evadirlo... hoy fue uno de esos dias, ilustrar es de esas actividades en las que estas en constante aprendizaje (si eres como yo y te gusta siempre desafiarte y probar cosas nuevas), si simplemente te quedas en tu zona de comfort nunca desafias tus habilidades... por eso yo siempre trato de hacer algo que no se o no he hecho antes, de trabajar con fondos, de animar fondos, ojos, cabellos, rostros, siempre intento hacer cosas nuevas para aprender mediante prueba y error.
No mentiré diciendo que no es agotador, y esto tiene una explicacion... hace unos meses recuerdo haber leido un estudio en el que explicaban que areas del cerebro se activaban realizando distintas actividades, y al estudiar/tratar de aprender a hacer algo, en el cerebro se activan las mismas areas de cuando siente dolor, por esto es tan incomodo siquiera pensar en hacer algo que no sabes, porque aprendes sobre la marcha en un periodo de tiempo rapido..
En fin que quien realmente se dedica a desafiarse sufre pero avanza C:
XD con esto claro los dejo con el proceso de como hice este pixelart. ehhh usualmente siempre elijo la cantidad de pixeles que me plazca o lo modifico a mi gusto, por eso es irrelevante para mi.

Base Sketch (already cleaned)

Before I have something that looks like this I always do terrible sketches AHAHAHAH if you have read my other blogs you know what I mean, it's the kind of sketch where the lines are not perfect and you are just looking to create the shapes/silhouettes you want, this one here is already clean, the pixels are in the right order and right amount but there is still a lot to work on it.

Antes de tener algo que se ve asi siempre hago bocetos terribles AHAHAHAH si han leido mis otros blogs saben a que me refiero, es el tipo de boceto en donde las lineas no son perfectas y simplemente buscas crear las formas/siluetas que quieres, este de aqui ya esta limpio, los pixeles estan en el orden correcto y cantidad correcta pero aun hay mucho en que trabajar en el.



THE sketch (Ah yeah, now we are cooking )

Now, NOW it's a clean sketch that I'm happy with, and honestly... XD this is where I realized that this is what I want to do ... this looks so nice to me that I'll probably just stick to doing pixelart with three or two colors max, I think it's much more charming... I mean the colors are great but I'm all about minimalism in certain things.

Ahora, AHORA si es un sketch limpio con el que estoy conforme, y honestamente... XD aqui es donde me di cuenta de que es lo que quiero hacer ... esto me parece tan lindo que probablemente me quede haciendo unicamente pixelart con tres o dos colores maximo, me parece muchisimo mas encantador... digo los colores estan geniales pero lo mio es el minimalismo en ciertas cosas.



erhm.... I meant flat colors XD
in this part i simply put the base colors, and at the same time i worked the areas where the shadow would be... the only problem is that i didn't like the colors i used as base at all... so you will see me modify it in the next steps.

erhm.... quise decir colores planos XD
en esta parte simplemente coloco los colores base, y de una vez trabaje las areas dodne estaria la sombra... el unico problema es que no me gusto para nada los colores que use como base... asi que me veran modificarlo en los siguientes pasos.

worst color i could choose for the hair: bluewwwww

this is the base of the hair I used then I modified it to purple, because I wanted the eyes of this character to be purple

esta es la base del cabello que use luego la modifique hacia morado, porque queria que los ojos de este personaje fueran morados.


ok here i used stronger colors, set it a 53% opacity and boom


Now looks alive with pretier colors ! YAY


Close up 👁 👄 👁


SCREAMS IN PAIN .... ok background

i ... made a tree and the vending machine





thanks for going all the way with me 👄💦 lmao
If you like what I do leave a like ! follow me! comment, what character would you like me to do next time? i'm always open to ideas C:

gracias por llegar hasta el final conmigo 👄💦 lmao
Si te gusta lo que hago deja un like ! sigueme! comenta, que personaje te gustaria que hiciera la proxima vez? siempre estoy abierta a ideas C:

this was a lovely time, see you soon again :D k baaaaaaai


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and in Showroom as :



I love it!!!

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