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RE: Seed nodes health, EU meetup reminder, and new wallet's first steps

I should be able to provide a pretty decent seed node. Im in the UK a good central location, got the 100mbit upload and uptime is pretty solid these days.

Id assume idealy you'd be expected to run a node only as a seed node rather than just being a full node serving everything?

Right now I just have a full node serving everything

 8 months ago (edited) 

Every hived is a seed node, if you have 2001 port open to the public then it's pretty much what's needed. Having a FQDN is preferred... because it looks nice ;-)

Side note: It is critical to have a separate node for a witness node itself, but seed node is fine to be running another services, such as broadcast, blocks, or whatever plugins, including HAF.

oh in that case I would think should work fine.

I think I've also set it up so that if you ommit the 2001 port it'll still get directed correctly.

No, in this case you can't omit the port as it's explicitly for p2p endpoint of hived node.
See p2p-endpoint =
It seems it works so I will add it to my monitor, slowly over time it will gain "reputation" that shows its reliability.
Thank you!