In the Eye of the Storm, Walking Through Fire

in Freewriters2 years ago


When you find yourself swept away by the storms of life;
Do your best to ride the waves, don't fight against the current;
When you're caught up in the eye of the storm, so disillusioned by the strife;
Total loss of all control, it seems, a gift disguised that life has sent;
To make you remember, you always have choice;
And in that choice lies the only true power man will every have.
So when we choose to see the world through the eyes of love;
We'll be so powerful, we'll be so free,
Dissolving all fear in the fire of love is the key...

So walk through the fire, and watch as the flames ignite,
That spark of love within your heart, and a fire of freedom in your soul;
Don't run away, face your fears, shed those tears, and hold on tight;
To that light ever shining so brightly within;
When you're whole world is burning down;
And the only way out of the fire is to walk through the flames,
Remember life's fires' are love's way of teaching us:
Fire can burn and storms can destroy;
But what always remains - only love - is both real and true;
Indestructible, eternal, it is me, it is you;
So walk through the fire, and then you will be;
Empowered, One with All, so alive and so free.



choose to see the world through the eyes of love

word. So easy to do, but, for some reason, a choice too few of us make at the moment.

only love - is both real and true;

that was my favorite part...

Beautiful poem there @jasonliberty, and fantastic life advice in it, thanks a lot for sharing and stay awesome.

Made in Canva


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