Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 4

in Freewriters13 days ago (edited)

Greetings all

I am currently horribly ill, no not much of an update. I had to cut it short as the next section is massive and will need to be cut into 2 or 3 sections. But that's Friday's problem.

Anyway, please enjoy the update. It's a little bitter sweet.

When Doran had brought the news to Saita, she could almost not believe it. He had found the planetoid that she had been taken from as a child. She had no idea that he was still trying to find it. She hadn’t given it much thought, viewing that part of her life closed.

It wasn’t even very far from her mother’s planet. Her place of birth had been so close for so long, and she had had no idea. She wasn’t sure of what to do with the information at first, but eventually, with some gentle coaxing from Bolx, she decided that she would at the very least see what was left of her parents’ legacy.
Pura had encouraged her to take the time to see where she had been born and finally and truly close that chapter of her life. With his permission, she had taken a brief break from her duties to travel to her old home, closely followed by Doran and Bolx.

She had always imagined the planetoid had fallen into ruin, but when they arrived, she was surprised to see a flourishing community built around the various agricultural produce the planetoid grew. Saita didn’t know what she had hoped would come from coming here. There was no one here that was her family, at least not from what Doran had told her. Her father had been an only child and his mother a freed slave with no living family. No family was waiting for her here. Yet, she wanted to see the place of her origin.

Doran had quickly secured their passage to the main property that had belonged to Saita’s father. While the fields still stood, the house that she had been raised in was gone.

“That’s right. My father had used the house to defend us. It wouldn’t have been left standing.” She muttered when she came across the rubble.

“Sad story about that house.” Said their driver as he got out of the car and fanned his balding head.

“Oh?” asked Doran, already knowing what was going to be said.

“Slavers came and took the youngster. Killed the master and his wife. They were good folk, kind folk, didn’t deserve being left the way that they were.” The man started to mop the sweat from the top of his head. “Pity about the girl. Pretty little thing with golden hair and bright blue eyes. Always so cheerful. Wonder if she was released like her mother or if the slavers still have her.”

Saita absentmindedly tugged at her discoloured hair and grimaced.

“I suspect the master knew something was up. It was strange that his will stipulated exactly what should happen should he and his wife lose their lives and their daughter go missing. Now don’t get me wrong. What happened was a tragedy, but with all his affairs in order, it was easy to keep his land growing the food that was needed.”

“That’s good to hear.” Said Saita with a half-smile.

“I must say, Your Majesty, we never expected that you would want to visit a place such as this. We are but a humble planetoid.”

Saita cut him off and simply said, “I am of common birth, so I know how hard those not of royal blood have to work, especially those who are farmers.”

The man waved off the comment, “Kind words, Your Majesty, but we want for nothing here. The master saw to it that even in his death we would all be taken care of, and the land is fertile. Blights are rare and rain comes as if bidden. We hardly work as hard as what you may think we do.” The man winked at her.

“Where is the master and his wife buried?” asked Bolx.

“Cremated and scattered to the winds.” The man swept his arm to show the vast fields surrounding them.

Saita couldn’t help but smile. While she had wanted to have the opportunity to say hello and farewell to her parents, just finding the home where she had been born was enough for her. She looked to where she vaguely remembered the family garden being. While the house was nothing but rubble, the small garden seemed to have flourished.

“It was little Samantha’s favourite place to play.” Said the man. “We had hoped with enough time, the little one would make her way back here. We have people who tend it daily.”

Saita’s grin grew larger when she took notice of strawberry plants growing all over the area. There were clumps all over the ground, in pots, in raised beds, and she was sure she noted some in the hanging planters that were up in the large tree in the centre of the garden. She made her way into the garden, admiring the near-fist-sized fruit that grew amongst the dark leaves. She was almost tempted to pick some but restrained herself.

“Would you like to take a plant home, Your Majesty?”

Saita was startled by the request. She looked at the man and he had a knowing smile on his face. Could he possibly know who she was? She knew she looked nothing like the child that had been taken decades ago, but she knew her facial structure was that of her father. She unconsciously rubbed at her face and nodded her head. The promise of the strawberry cake was strong in her mind.

“I would love to take a plant home with me.” She said with a grin.

Friday and next week, we'll be exploring more into the life of the current Fell Dragon. Until then, enjoy!

For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
Races Explained
Royal Guard
Saasha’s Direct Family
Saith Characters Recap
Human Characters Recap
Alternate Timeline Brucel
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Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
Part 3>>You are Here>>Part 5
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I'm especially intrigued by the development of the protagonist's journey in this part—what can we expect next for them? Can't wait for the next release, your storytelling is captivating!

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Thank you so much! This is the last book in the series and I really enjoyed writing it. There is one more book that will appear after this. However, can't say too much about it as it spoils an event to come.