The Power Of The Forest

in Freewriters22 days ago

The luminous-blooded forest fairies were the guardian creatures of magic in the great forest. They were responsible for helping and protecting the balance of life through their magical powers and wisdom. These powers came from colorful mushrooms called Tiitu mushrooms that were only consumed by these fairies. These mushrooms were their main source of energy so they were dedicated to cultivate, harvest, care in the heart of the forest. The magic contained in one of these mushrooms was so powerful that combined with anything it produced something full of life and power, for example, if they crushed a mushroom along with a small leaf or branch of a tree and this mixture was poured into the ground, a large and lush tree would emerge, so only some fairies were chosen to manipulate the mushrooms.

The other creatures of the forest, knowing how important the fairies were for the balance, respected and protected them, especially from some very dangerous beings called humans who sought every source of power to create weapons and conquer everything that reached their sight. Among the creatures that most supported the fairies were the owls and wolves, who acted as guardians and with whom they had close ties of friendship.

For thousands of years these three species fought together against the human ambition that tried to take over the Tiitu mushrooms, suffering many casualties in the wars against them, sometimes losing part of the forest by fires that were later recovered with the power of the mushrooms. Over time humans were developing new weapons, using metals to make swords, spears and arrows began to win more battles.

The warriors of the fairies, owls and wolves saw how their numbers were decreasing and lost many loved ones, too many in the last battles and for this reason they called a council of wise men to develop a strategy that would allow them to counteract the humans and their weapons. Three great friends, the wolf D'le, the owl Gyu and the fairy Onishi were the surviving captains of their armies in the last battle. Onishi took the floor on behalf of the warriors and said:
“Great council of sages, we have shed much blood and our forces are being overcome. In a matter of days the humans will reach the heart of the forest and leave nothing in their wake, we have relied on their guidance for thousands of years, what can we do to prevent this?”

Everyone present paid attention to the blunt answer of the eldest of the wise men:
“Humans must go all the way to the heart of the forest.”

All present were aghast at that statement and the three captains withdrew without another word. However then they gathered to talk about what was to come in the next few hours. D'le took the floor:
“In the next few hours the humans will arrive, we must tell everyone to retreat to high ground for safety.
“There is still time to think of some strategy and do something,” Onishi replied.
“We have a lot of experience in battles but we have never had so few options,” D'le replied.
“I won't give up,” Onishi said energetically.
“They didn't say give up, the council only said that the humans must get to the heart of the forest. Wise men are never wrong so if we do anything it must be when the humans are there.“,” Gyu said calmly.
“In that place there are only the Tiitu mushrooms and although I haven't seen any humans touching any I'm not going to wait for that to happen before I know what magic might be unleashed,” Onishi replied.
“I think that's what we should wait and see what will happen, maybe therein lies the way to win this battle. In the meantime we must help everyone leave the forest.", commented D'le.

The exodus began during the night and little by little the inhabitants of the forest left their homes. Many tears were shed for the sadness of leaving such a special place, only the three captains had decided to stay hidden in the heart of the forest while waiting for the arrival of the humans. A new day began and the sunlight showed how the humans were approaching the heart of the forest, it was an army of dozens of armed men advancing with torches. A few meters away all the humans stopped without doing anything, however after a few minutes another human would appear, bigger than the others, wearing a cloak and armed with a helmet and a sword, the king of the humans had arrived. This king advanced to the heart of the forest, stepping on the ground where the Tiitu mushrooms were. The three captains would stare at this human hoping that somehow the mushrooms would work some magic to scare him away. The human king bent down to pick up a mushroom and holding it in his hand nothing was happening yet. Then the king put the mushroom in his mouth, chewed it and ate. In the next instant you could see how its size increased as well as its strength and then it would make a cry of fury to indicate that it was the strongest of all, the rest of the humans would also shout, all celebrating for having reached that place.

Outraged, Onishi would suddenly come out of his hiding place screaming and would launch himself to attack the human king, however he would give him a blow that would send her flying among the mushrooms. Seeing this D'le and Gyu would attack the man, but several arrows would shoot from behind the king impacting their bodies causing them to fall wounded a few meters behind Onishi. Again the humans would shout to celebrate their superiority.

The arrows would have wounded D'le and Gyu in vital points, and seeing this Onishi would try to get up to help his friends but he had a broken wing, arm and leg so in pain he decides to crawl towards them. As he moved he could see how his friends were bleeding and losing their strength, a pool of their blood formed around a Tiitu mushroom. The human king watched with an evil grin at the scene as he ate another mushroom. In desperation Onishi took a mushroom near her and with her little strength she would use magic to try to heal her friends but it would not work because they still had arrows stuck in them. She would begin to cry until she finally reached her friends, but when she tried to pull out the arrows, she could not do it because she could not do it with only one arm.

Her helplessness and frustration would make her cry and her tears would fall on the fungus into the pool of blood and something incredible would happen. Little by little a very intense light would begin to surround them, blinding the humans and a few seconds later the light would turn into a giant 4-legged being with huge claws, two immense wings, a very long tail, a long and strong neck and a head adorned with an imposing crest. The human king upon seeing this would launch an attack on the creature and when he threw a blow with his sword he would see how it would break. Then a rain of arrows would come from the human army but they would have no effect, nothing would hurt this huge and beautiful creature. A huge roar would come from its mouth with such force that the very earth would tremble making all the humans realize that their only option was to retreat from the forest. The dragon would chase the humans to the exit of the forest and then it would soar into the air flying from very high up so that all the humans in the distance could see it, returning to issue one last warning with an even louder cry causing the entire human camp to tremble and then return to the heart of the forest.

Once in the heart of the forest, the creature was somewhat confused but in his heart he felt calm and joyful. A voice began to be heard by this creature that told him:
“Thank you for saving the forest and all its creatures.”
To which the creature replies:
“I am happy I did it, my heart and mind tell me it was the right thing to do but I feel some confusion, who are you and who am I?”
“I am the world manifested in the form of the spirit of the forest and you are part of me, you are the expression of the love, wisdom and effort of the forest beings.”
“Do I have a name?”
“Your name is Onigy'le and from now on you will protect what your heart tells you.”

The End

What I see: A mystical creature surrounded by life and magic.
What I feel: I feel how magic flies through my imagination to tell me the story I tell you here.

The photo is taken by @wakeupkitty


I thought the worst for the magical beings of the forest, but nature is wise, when she speaks, she knows what she is saying and why. It does not act half-heartedly or respond without knowing 🌷

Human beings always wanting to destroy everything, carancho, enough already wey haha but nature will always defend itself.

I loved the story, nice fantasy very well narrated so that this owl stayed imagining everything until the end and felt Gyu 🦉

The owls are good, this is the proof hehe

Creia lo peor para los seres magicos del bosque, pero la naturaleza es sabia, cuando habla, sabe lo que dice y por qué. No actua a medias ni responde sin saber 🌷

Los seres humanos siempre queriendo destruir todo, carancho, ya basta wey jaja pero la naturaleza siempre se defendera.

Me encanto la historia, linda fantasia muy bien narrada para que este buho se quedara imaginando todo hasta el final y se sintiera Gyu 🦉

Los buhos son buenos, esta es la prueba jeje

Quizás Buhito sea descendiente de Gyu 👀 es hora de que conozca su legado y comience a ser como sus ancestros, con amigos en el bosque que quiera proteger. Aunque Buhito se parece al rey humano que quiere conquistar y destruir, ojalá el espíritu del bosque le hable a Buhito y lo haga cambiar 👀🥳🎉😊

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🙏👏🤘💪👊 vamos por 70 más y luego 100 más y muchas más 🥳🎉

Vamos @n4nd0, vamos!

This story is all I could wish for except for the wolf, owl and elf to die 🥺

Now we know what the mushrooms are capable of doing and how the dragon saw life.
I assume the humans remained blind (and are dead) and although many gave their lives the wise men are still alive. 😥

Thank you for sharing this story with all my favourite characters (I don't mean the king and his hitmen).

Greetings @wakeupkitty

I do not want you to be sad so I clarify that they did not die because Onigy'le is a dragon formed by the 3 captains, for their lives because the fungi can not reverse the death do not act on it, they can only act on an object with something, however small the life is so with a leaf or a branch can do magic .... But I don't clarify any more because imagination must do its job 😊