Higher than Heaven

higher than heaven.jpg

I was so lonely in silence,
You were suffering the same.
I was fighting my demons,
You were hiding your pain.
When we met that day
We were forever changed.

You took me higher than Heaven,
I held you tight as we flew.
From the very beginning,
I was in a dream with you.
We bonded, connected
As only soulmates do.

A smile so warm,
eyes so bright,
On my mind every morning
afternoon and night.

I inhale deep, your smell so sweet,
Forever with me, making me weak.
And when I think of our "nothing ",
I break down, I just break.

You took me higher than Heaven ,
You held me tight as we flew.
From the very beginning,
I've been in love with you.
Easy, effortless, happy together
You felt it too, That's how we knew.

You went back to a place,
Of self doubt and pain.
You had to try again with him
Now I'm standing in the rain.
It's not what you wanted,
I will never be the same.

You took me higher than Heaven,
Letting go as we flew.
I knew all along that,
It was too good to be true.
All I ever hoped for,
its all gone with you.

My heart had a home,
now that's gone too


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impressive! Lovely poetry. Thanks for sharing with us! 😊😊

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Wow. Your kind words and support are awesome!! I cant thank you enough.