Freewrite Daily Writing Prompt Entry #2 (20 May, 2024): Draw Every Day

in Freewriters14 days ago

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier


So, the prompt Draw Every Day can either mean it has something to do with drawing or it can have a vast meaning! And what that meaning be? One may ask. Isn't it obvious!

It means Repetition!

If we go through the lives of all the successful persons, we will find one thing in common. They repeated the thing many times even after they became great at it!

One does not become a master of something overnight! For that that person has to overcame the tormentation of doing same thing repeatedly over and over again!


Even if we want to grow a habit, research showed it can take from 18 to 254 days! The average is 66 days! Just imagine, all these days if we do a specific thing on a specific time, then only than can become our habit!

Think about all the greatest artists, they have drawn everyday. As the time passed, they grew more and more conscious about the art, the art-style, the lighting. They learned and evolved! By drawing every day, they developed themselves and learnt from their mistakes and using all the knowledge evolved!


The importance of repeated actions can also be found in the quotes of different famous personnel.

"Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst." - Henri Cartier-Bresson

Only through repeated action, one can truly be a master of something. The baker who is now renowned for his cakes, must have baked hundreds of cakes before he perfected it!

"Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment." - Zig Ziglar

The importance and benefit of doing the same thing every single day can not be denied. Stephen King is a successful writer of this age, his daily routine includes writing uninterruptedly for four hours every single day! This can be the reason of his fame, don't you think so?

Okay, may be we do not want fame or be the star! But yet we need repetition. Every student needs to repeat what he/she learnt so that it can be understood better. Our brain has the tendency to throw things away, but if we repeat, it sits firmly in our brain.

“We become what we repeatedly do.” - Sean Covey

Sure we can know things by reading once. But can we master it? No! Even one is extra-ordinary he or she cannot simply master it without repetition. It is the base of the mastery.

"Repetition is the mother of mastery. You have to do it over and over again. It's not enough to know it" - Michael Jordan

Doesn't matter what we want to be or do, with repeated action, we can definitely aim for the sky and launch for it.

So, if you want to become an artist - draw every day.
Want to become a writer? First read, read and read and then write continuously everyday!
Want your blog to flourish - post everyday whatever you feel like.
Want to grow your YouTube channel? - Upload video everyday!

And the list will go on and on.

Okay, this is all for today. Will be back tomorrow (repetition 😏) with some other things!

All images are generated using AI


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