Managing Hive Engine Tokens Efficiently With PeakD's Wallet

in About PeakD2 years ago


The other day, one of my friends was asking me on how to stake various tokens such as SPT or ONEUP. On closer look, I realise that unlike PeakD's wallet, most platforms only offer limited functionalities for their wallets.

For example, on Hive Blogs, one could only stake/unstake/transfer/delegate Hive and HBD tokens, and not other tokens.

On Splintertalk, there's only SPT, Hive and HBD tokens.

Likewise on ONEUP, there's only ONEUP, Hive and HBD tokens.

However, on PeakD, you get to manage not just Hive and HBD tokens but also all the other tokens on Hive Engine.

For those who might not have used PeakD before or are not familiar with the interface, here's more details and screenshots of the 5 functionalities for tokens on Hive Engine. The good thing is that these 5 functionalities are the same for all the tokens here, which makes it easy for users.

  1. Transfer

  2. Stake

  3. Unstake

  4. Delegate

  5. This will bring you to the TribalDex website.

Furthermore, if you were to scroll down, the transactions for various tokens are also consolidated for ease of reference. This is a sample screenshot for my account. As you can see, different tokens such as PIZZA, ONEUP, SPT are all included.

In summary, I think PeakD offers users a great deal of convenience with such features that are well designed and carefully thought through at the same time. Hopefully some of you will find this post useful and try out their platform!

As always, thanks for reading and have a pleasant day ahead! :)


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