Use PeakD Analytics To Write Better

in About PeakD3 years ago (edited)


Ever wonder how you could gather valuable feedback from your posts on PeakD in just 2 steps?

Step 1: Take a look at "My Analytics", under "Account Actions".


Step 2: Once there, click on the "Views" tab.


The screenshot above is a snapshot of my account's analytics, so let's do a simple analysis on the statistics in the current month.

Page Views and Unique Views

This is where you can tell if your posts are attracting views. I think both page views and unique views are important. While unique views is an indicator of your outreach, page views gives you a sense of how often people come back to read your post again.

Look at the those posts with higher views and find out why they did well and think about what was good about the posts. Was it a useful guide which readers often referred to? Was it on a more popular topic that was trending at the moment?

For me, most of my posts had around 10-20 unique views and around 20+ page views which I guess reflects my current following and the quality of content that I am writing. The only one that stood out was a post on PeakMonsters and it attracted 190 page views and 164 unique views just within this month! I think the large number of views was largely attributed to a reblog by PeakMonsters, so thanks for that! This goes to show that a reblog could have such a huge impact on the views.

Average Time

This is the amount of time spent by an average reader of your post. Generally, posts that are longer will require more time for readers to go through. If it is shorter than expected, perhaps it is worthwhile to ask yourself if your posts had an interesting opening or was it too wordy and readers gave up reading at some point?

For me, I think there is nothing out of the ordinary for now. Most of my posts do take readers 40-200 seconds to go through.

Tip: You could sort the view statistics based on different time periods, e.g. "Today", "Yesterday", "Last 7 Days", "Current Month", "Previous Month".


In summary, I think these views statistics are extremely insightful and they definitely help PeakD users like me to become better writers and add more value to the Hive Community. And if you are not a PeakD user, you should strongly consider to give them a try!

As always, thanks for reading and hope you have a pleasant weekend ahead! :)


As an afterthought of this post, I have two suggestions on the view statistics.

  1. Currently, the views and average time is listed based on URL (posts/comments). Would it be possible to list views and average time based on users too? This could allow us to see which users are reading and viewing our posts more often. (I note a similar chart is done for votes.)
  2. Currently the longest timeframe of the statistics is "Current Month" and "Previous Month". Could we have additional timeframes, such as in terms of years (e.g. "2021") or "All Time"? I think this provides a more holistic view for better analysis (For example, Youtube shows their all time view count for their videos).

Thanks for the upvote on this post as always!


That looks incredibly useful! Thanks for this.

It's sad that this feature is not available in Brave Browser...

Oh I didn't know that.. I am using Firefox for my browser though.

Yeah, I just found out about it when I tried to check mine after reading your post 😄

Hmm could this be made possible for Brave Browser as part of the pipeline? @peakd

 3 years ago  

The analytics system we are now using but have not integrated into the site yet works great with brave browser. It has been operating since may. And we'll transition the site to using it later this year.