I Asked ChatGPT to Automate Repetitive Tasks for My Recurring HIVE Post (That Will Save Me HOURS in the Long Run)

in STEMGeeks15 days ago

One of the things that kept improving with each GPT iteration was the coding capabilities. ChatGPT-3.5 boasted multiple programming features, but from my experience, it was only good as a companion to a good programmer and it wasn't very accurate. It was great for helping to edit small chunks of code, but it failed when asked to create full applications.

ChatGPT-4 was better in these areas, but it wasn't Free. I paid 5$ to try and test GPT-4 it via the API Playground and managed to create a simple Chrome extension with it, but the experience wasn't as streamlined as ChatGPT and I wasn't ready

So, you can only imagine my happiness as ChatGPT-4o was released! Not only did it feature more accurate coding capabilities than GPT-4, but it was also Free. (Of course, it's limited in the Free version. Apparently, I can only prompt it a dozen or so times before getting locked for 3 hours.)

Today, I asked ChatGPT to write a program that takes names and puts them in their correct place in an alphabetically ordered table. I'll use this application to organize the table for my Getting to Know 1000 Hivers Project.

I used to do this process by hand. It takes longer and longer each time I add people to the post. I believe this will save me hours of time in the long run.

Here's a screenshot of the application ChatGPT made for me along with parts of the code:

It took 3 attempts to get the results I wanted. At first it gave me a code that adds the new names at the end. The second time, I wasn't able to edit the text boxes so I asked ChatGPT to add the ability to Copy/Paste to the application.

I may ask ChatGPT to make it more beautiful next time, but I'm satisfied with the current version.

I have to mention that I thought of writing a code to automate it myself, but I was too lazy to do it, (and my programming was too rusty.) I tried with ChatGPT-3.5 but the results weren't too satisfactory back then.

Thanks for Reading

P.S: If you're interested in my conversation with ChatGPT, here's the share link!

- Images in this post are made using ibisPaint.
- People who supported me on HIVE, @master-lamps, @eturnerx and @magnacarta share 7% of this post's rewards.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

Very cool! Definitely giving you a follow and excited to see what you can manage to do with this. I am getting inspired to try this myself haha I used to dabble in Java, C++ and VB but Ive never played with Python. Thanks for sharing!

I only dabbled a bit in programming, Python is the language I used the least out of the three. While I can create an app like this given enough time I'm not an expert debeloper.

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