Cycling One Day At City of Georgetown

in Pinmapple13 days ago

How many steps can you take when traveling? When traveling and public transportation is adequate, I usually just walk 25,000 steps when traveling. That is in accordance with my experience, some of which were when I was in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Because their transportation is very good, but when I was in Vietnam yesterday, I even rented a motorbike because it was far away and it was difficult to get a bus.

The same thing as when you are in Penang, actually, this city has good transportation, buses always connect everywhere, however, the city of Penang is quite small and can be reached by bicycle. Yes, bicycles, you need a bicycle if you are in Penang city. One of the things you should do the first time you leave your hostel is that there are lots of bicycle rental shops.


Rent a Bicycle

One of the famous ones is the 'Chin Seng Leong Bicyle Shop' which is right at the Georgetown monument. This was my first point when I first stepped into the city of Penang. After putting my suitcase and all my things at the hostel, I then walked a little to the bicycle rental place. You know, I found out about it on a little map at the airport and that information was very useful.





With a bicycle that I rented at a fairly cheap price, but I forgot how much LOL. I was even photographed by the bicycle shop owner and it was so beautiful. My face looks very beautiful when holding a bicycle. After that, this is my journey around Georgetown alone on a blue bicycle which is enough to take me to all corners of Penang.

Because it was still close to the bicycle shop, there was a small alley that attracted my attention with its beautiful decorations. This city is very clean and has small alleys that pedestrians can use to walk or use bicycles. I combed through parts of Penang city one by one with strong winds even though it was a little hot.

Wandering Around Georgetown

Taking photos of myself while looking at the city view of Penang which is very different from my life in the city of Medan. Because this is really a tourist friendly city and it's nice to be able to get around without any obstacles.

Georgetown is really unique and I think you can just use a bicycle to get around it in 3 hours. There are many shops that you can visit, including souvenir shops and others. I even bought a gold plated bracelet here at a fairly cheap price.







There are many shops that are not occupied and the buildings are still very well maintained. I also like the portrait of a cat lazing around in one of the yards around the souvenir shop. There is one street that is very busy with visitors in the afternoon and that is the place for shopping.

There are many shops and the shop grounds can be passed by cyclists. Be a little careful when using a bicycle because the vehicles here go quite fast, they are even very fast and it scared me a bit.





There are many things that can be photographed in the city of Penang, the city is quite good in terms of clean air and minimal rainfall (in fact, it tends to be very hot) because it is on an island that is different from Malaysia, so it is as warm as being on the beach. Maybe this is what makes the city of Penang one of the trading civilizations in Southeast Asia.

Then I rowed my bicycle to my destination at Armenian Park. It was still Chinese New Year and Armenian Park was full of lanterns. There are many traditional Chinese decorations that decorate this park. there is even a special stage in the middle of the park.




I thought it must be really bright that night, because there was a lion dance performance going on, but I had to go back to the hostel because I was so tired. I should have gathered my energy during the day to sleep, but instead I cycled throughout the city of Penang.

See you the next time hive friends!

Editing by Lightroom and VN iphone 11

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Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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