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RE: The Black Diamond in Copenhagen, Denmark

in Pinmapple6 months ago

That's a quite impressive library! One of the times I was in New York City, we stayed at a hostel near one of the library branches and I wish that we had taken the time to go in and look around. I bet it would have been pretty cool. I used to work in the reference section of a university library, so they are kind of special to me.


I thought you'd want to get as far away as possible from libraries if you worked in one!

But seriously, a lot of the libraries I've seen are very impressive, making good use of the space and height to create a unique environment. They're very different from normal buildings, and very nice to visit

It wasn't the library that was annoying about that job, it was the people that needed help. Then again, we had some pretty cool people in the other areas and that was nice.