A Walk at Burley, New Forest, Hampshire, UK

in Pinmapplelast month

On our way to Burley, a village in the New Forest, Hampshire, we drove through a little village called Sopley with its quaint cottages.

Burley is renowned for it’s witchcraft. In the 1950’s, a ‘white witch’ called Sybil Leek lived in the village. Source

We didn't stop at any of the village shops in Burley as we only called in at the New Forest to let the pooch out for a walk.

There were a few New Forest ponies grazing in the area. Even though they are allowed to roam freely across the open grassland, they are actually owned and cared for by the New Forest Commoners, a group of local residents who have the right to graze livestock on the land. The ponies are quite a tourist attraction.

The rain had become heavier, but it didn't deter the pooch to make his way to the stream to get even wetter! His tail wagged happily as he splashed in and out of the water. We had set out with high hopes of having a good walk, but it got quite boggy, so we couldn't go any further, so sadly, we had to give up and retrace our steps back to the car.


Very beautiful walk! So green and wet! I like the wet atmosphere, so cooling and refreshing.

We love the New Forest, planning a holiday there for next year

I love it there. It was just a pity the weather wasn't so good.

It’s been a bit wet!

Definitely. All good for the rest of the week though.

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Thank you @bhattg and @sagarkothari88. 🙏

@ellenripley, you are most welcome!

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The black lab had a great time and it shows. I love how he is well-shaped and healthy, how old is he? Maybe next time you can consider going to that village, history might be interesting. Who knows you might meet a white witch 😅

He's 7 years old but acts much younger.

Yes, I might meet a white witch, whatever that is. 😁

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