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RE: Quick Ride to Victoria Peak and Macau

in Pinmapple3 months ago

It's a bummer you didn't get a good view up the Peak, it's gorgeous looking down, especially at night time.

It's actually better to take the tram up as the ride is a little longer and if you make sure you stand at the back you have the view opening up on front of your eyes.

If you have a chance to go to Macau again, you can try catching the coach and go across the bridge, it's a white elephant project to connect the two places


Thanks for the tip. I didn't know there was a tram when I went up but I'll definitely take it up next time. I already decided when I arrived there that I have to come back to get the proper view.

I'll keep that in mind. I might stay in Macau for a night next time since the day passed too quickly and I didn't really get to do too much during my stay. Still I had a great time though and wouldn't mind visiting again so I can do the rest of the things I wanted.