At the Creast of Little Batanes

in Pinmapplelast month
Hello everyone here on Hive! TravelJ is back to share with you one of my noteworthy hike experiences. A journey is a matter of steps to move forward to reach its peak. And to learn its ways in everything you stumble into until you aim for the reason why you have started that journey.

Photo edited in Canva, template by YGANKO

In the Philippines, there's a place called Batanes. A dreamy place where you can live side by side like Switzerland, but Switzerland is on another level. Batanes is a a place rich in green peak-looking scenery. In North Cebu, there's Little Batanes were discovered during the pandemic, located in Caduawan, Tabogon, Cebu. If I'm not mistaken it is during During COVID-19, numerous tourist attractions bloomed and were discovered, and the sad part is that some of the existing tourist attractions have closed. I guess the reason why they call the hill Little Batanes is because you will get a chance to witness the scenic view at its peak. Somehow, like the Batanes, the view is also a clean green field scenery.


Photo credits to

Going to Little Batanes never crossed my mind. It may sound so overreacting, but it is. I know the path is not an ideal way to cross because it is not placed on the highway, which means you need to have your vehicle or else you walk a mile. Hence, when I was still doing my on-the-job training, I met amazing people who invited me to go there. Going to Little Batanes I'm with Ate Maddy, Ate Jean and her boyfriend, my classmate Cherry Ann and Shane. So, I have met Ate Maddy, who is from Negros, and the rest of the hotel staff. Ate Maddy has a car; she often invites me to travel to the north since she is not new to our place. We have planned to travel since our OJT has ended. Ate Jean suggested visiting Little Batanes.

That time, before we proceeded to Little Batanes, we decided to prepare a small feast to fill our growling stomachs since it was already lunchtime. We have bought a slice of pork and other seasonings to grill and a snack as well. And we also split the bill by dividing each of us. If you visit a household with a coconut tree, It is expected that making coconut juice is the crucial part. Ate Jean's boyfriend at the time, who is her fiancé now, the one who climbs the coconut tree. So we separated the juice and the coconut jelly, and when it was done, we put some condensed milk and a piece of ice on it to chill.

Before we proceed to Batanes, we take our lunch first. After eating, it is time for us to go to the most anticipated part of our errands. I was seated in the passenger seat. I played some jamming songs along the way, such as The Party in the USA, Material Girls, and others. Take note that Tabogon is far from my homeland as well, even though it is in the north only. But the whole ride is good. I am glad that we have @leetalks to be with us since she is from Tabogon.

The whole ride was about forty minutes to an hour. A road trip is certainly one of the most exciting parts of an adventure. The way to Tabogon is relaxing and smooth. You noticed a wave of mountains that had a significant interpretation to unveil, lively fields in your surroundings, as you were overlooking how hardworking farmers were. Upon arriving in Caduawan, we invade a small road where the middle part of the adventure begins. It is the part where the bumpy road starts. You will notice some houses at the entrance. Thunder dogs' bark is welcoming but somewhat scary.

The oxygen given by our mother nature is truly what our body needs, so we can seek its freshness in the countryside outside of the city.


The spine-chilling part of our adventure is that we have to cross a cemetery before we arrive at our destination. Isn't that hair-raising? invading the center of the cemetery, where you would hear nothing but the silence of the people who left the surface of the world? As we passed the cemetery, our mood instantly switched to an exciting feeling as we already had a glimpse of the hill we were about to hike.


While still in the car, the field of vision will get you in awe, as you will already see the essence of its place. The road is at the top of the rising ground, surrounded by a green field of grass and sugar cane as well as animals eating grass, such as cows and goats. As I open the car door and go out, I know this adventure is tiring. I wait for others to be ready as we bring our things to the top of the hill. We noticed and heard the loud sounds of vehicles, and we saw some groups practicing motocross. As you would notice, motocross is a popular race activity here in the Philippines. How amazing the bravery I saw in their eyes as they took risks for things that were uncertain but that they could consider as a life purpose.

As our adventure goes by, we start to take a step up the hill, which you can tell is exhausting for the reason that climbing a hill was never an easy thing to do, counting one, two, and three. Upon arriving on the hill it was worth it because of the 360 overlooking sight to see. The Little Batanes is a free hiking spot for everyone who wishes to go there.

Hence, as I take a step towards the hill, you will see some under-contraction cabins and swimming pools. That was a little bit off and disappointing to me because, from my perspective, that place would be more beautiful if it were untouched. Trash bins that aren't properly disposed of, and the materials that they are using that are not environmentally friendly.

Little Batanes View

We appreciated the view when we got there. The province breeze is something that can heal your clouded soul. An adventure isn't complete if you don't take photos as a sign of appreciation and remembrance for the place that you have been.

We took photos individually and group selfies as well. We spread the blanket that we brought, and then we started chewing the food as we shared our different thoughts about the place as the sun was about to take off. You can also bring your tents and spend the night there.


Photos from the shadows of the sunsets are breathtaking, as the blue skies turn out to be pink and then consumed by the darkness.

My Little Batanes ends here. Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you are all well. See you at my next blog.

Adios, Hivers!


Welcome to Tabogon. 😊

Yay! thank you for that po.


Thank you for visiting my hometown Ma'am @mariejeijeim I am glad that you appreciated the view Ma'am.

Yesss, very much appreciated po

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Little Batanes is such a refreshing place to get away with family and friends. I've been eyeing this wonderful scenery for so long because it's all over my feed. It's also located in our neighboring barangay, but I haven't been here. I haven't been into adventures like this. 😅 It must've been so nice to have some picnic dates there, watching the sunrise and how it sets. When I pass by, I always take a far glimpse of this greenery. I know this is a core memory for y'all. Thanks for sharing this with us! 🫶

You should try to visit the place with your friends and family, for sure you'll enjoy every step of it. 💕

Very nice pictures, and a very interesting story to read. thanks for sharing