Brighton • Exploring the Seaside Town

in Pinmapple2 months ago



Brighton • Exploring the Seaside Town

Welcome back, last time we shared with you Brighton Palace Pier. A vintage fairground that will take you back in time in this sentimental seaside town. In case you missed it feel free to check Brighton Palace Pier. Today let us share with you the second part of our short holiday. Come with us today as we explore some of the most popular places to visit in Brighton in East Sussex, England.

Brighton is a place where you can just walk around, get lost, and discover amazing places. There are a lot of places to stay in Brighton, you could choose to stay in a luxurious hotel, Airbnb, or just a regular hotel that will fit your budget.



Old buildings still stand here and continue to be used. They maintain old buildings although you might see some of them vandalized. I just wish they would be taught not to deface these buildings to keep them beautiful and attract more visitors.


This is called King's Road and along here is the Brighton i360. A popular attraction that opened in August 2016 in this town and that stands 531 feet. An observation tower that will give you a stunning 360-degree view of Brighton and the surrounding area. It is a 25-minute ride that will cost you £20.50. It was too expensive for us so we just skipped this attraction and just admired it from the ground.





As the sun went down we decided to make the most of our time here and explore Brighton at night. It is a safe place and we were told that the nightlife here is vibrant.




Before we headed out we spent a little more time on the beach to enjoy the dying light, the cold sea breeze, and the sound of the waves.



It was time to hit the town and see what the night had to offer for us. A lot of shopping areas, and places to eat, and is also known for its music scene.



Unfortunately, unlike London shops here close before 6 pm so we did not get a chance to visit the unique stores here. Although there were still a lot of restaurants, cinemas, music lounges and bars open. Among these is the Komedia comedy bar located on Gardner St. seems to be a popular place among the locals.



I guess if you plan to go shopping it is advised to come early and discover what the local shops have to offer.


To our surprise seems like all the people in Brighton have flocked here as there was a very long line and a big crowd in the area. At first, I thought that the people were falling in line to get to a pub which was out of the ordinary. Later I found out that beside the pub in Brighton Done, there is a theatre that stages plays, shows, and music. Must be a popular show to have this many people falling in line. Would have been nice to see the show but I wouldn't want to be standing in line for too long.


We passed this garden called Old Steine a couple of times in the afternoon and didn't expect the Victorian fountain to look so beautiful at night. We were already a bit tired with all the walking and decided to head back to our hotel. Next time we will plan our walk into town earlier when the shops are open. It was a nice walk which gave us an idea of what to do at night on our next visit.



We had a good sleep and woke up again to this fantastic view of the Brighton Palace Pier. A view I would not get tired of here in Brighton.



We headed out to the beach and took a morning stroll before we headed out to look for a nice place to have breakfast. It was a beautiful morning and not a lot of people during this time.



I normally don't like to have my photo taken but I guess we need to take some to remind us of the nice places that we visit especially on this beautiful morning. Maybe just fool around a little bit for a change.



We stopped for a while to take more photos of the beach and the surrounding area. I guess the pier has captivated me and I just can't get enough of it.





Just across the pier is a restaurant that has good reviews and we were expecting it to open at 9 am according to the website. We waited and later found out that they opened at 11 am. So we had to head out to town to find another place to eat breakfast.



We found the Breakfast Club located in Market St. which is just 6 minutes walk from Brighton Beach.


The interior was nice and felt like an American diner. I love the color combinations of the interior and the cozy ambiance.





To start Mel ordered hot chocolate and I had a cappuccino to get our day started.


For my breakfast, I had waffles, fried chicken, bacon and egg. This cost us £17.00 for this meal which is a bit pricey but it is something that we need to accept here in the UK. The food was ok but nothing special.



Mel had pancakes, bacon, sausage, egg and hashbrown. I missed checking how much this cost but I'm sure it is more than £12.00 for this meal.


Breakfast was ok but I guess Mel enjoyed it.


Just a two-minute walk from the Breakfast Club we reached the Royal Pavilion which is another popular site here in Brighton.


Also in this location is the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery. Entrance to the museum will cost you £9.00. We didn't want to spend any more on entrance fees and searched for places that had no entrance fees.


Now for the main attraction which is the Royal Pavillion. The entrance fee here is £19.00 and it would be nice to see the inside of the Pavilion. We don't have many funds for this trip but I think it would be worth it. Maybe we would book a ticket on our next visit for now we would just admire the beauty of the palace from the outside.


The Royal Pavilion is truly one-of-a-kind among castles in England. The building was made for the Prince Regent, who eventually became King George IV, and was constructed in phases from 1787 to 1823. Its design seems straight out of a children's fairytale book, with columns resembling palm trees, Chinese dragons, and minarets and domes that look exotic. It's almost hard to believe that it's a real place!

The Royal Pavilion is a remarkable example of architectural imagination. It represents a time when people were captivated by the romance and allure of Eastern culture and architecture. The interior has a Chinese influence, but not entirely. On the outside, the imposing architecture resembles a magnificent mosque or palace from India's Mughal Era, but not exactly. Rather than being a faithful reproduction of Eastern design, the Pavilion is a European interpretation of Eastern art and design. It's a building that effortlessly straddles the line between fantasy and reality, and does so with great success.



The palace looks so majestic from the outside and I could only imagine what treasures are featured inside. We felt like paupers just admiring its grandeur from afar.






These are just a few of the attractions in Brighton that should not be missed. If you wish to fully experience it all make sure to have a good budget for this tour as most of the time there is an entrance fee.


Thank you for joining us again for another tour here in Brighton. I hope you enjoyed spending a little of your time with us. Next time we will share with you the last part of our holiday. A notable museum and the entrance is free.

Hope to see you again soon.



All photos are original and taken with

Lumix GX85 and 12-32mm Olympus 45mm f1.8

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