Wednesday Walk at Talasnal, Lousa, Portugal

in Pinmapple18 days ago

Bom dia!

Ah, it is no wonder that I am finding it difficult to write here, as Portugal has been so much fun we haven't had a lot of down time. I feel there's a lot of adventures I have missed, but let's pick up in the schist village of Talasnal in the Lousã area near Coimbra.


Originally, we were going to Coimbra itself to see yet more Roman ruins and explore what they call the Oxford or Cambridge of Portugal, Coimbra. Yet the car was running so rough we detoured to a beautiful town south of Coimbra called Figueroa Do Vinhos - more about this another time - via a swimming beach near a river for a wash and a dip, and a parts shop for some things for Buttercup..


Meanwhile, I was texting back and forth with Land Rover people in Portugal that I had never met sending us pins on Google of where to go. One of those was Talasnal, so we headed there to start.


Now the drive was just incredible - beautiful views, beautiful villages, ruined old gate houses and wayside houses for travelers, 4x4 tracks and pine forest, of course, with wildflowers.


But things started getting crazy when we started going downhill, as the road was really steep with some crazy drop offs so that Jamie would make me hold the gear stick in gear so he could concentrate on driving!!!


Eventually we stopped at Talasnal, wiped out sweaty hands and kissed the earth to be alive. After a few deep breaths we had chance to explore this amazing village.




Narrow avenues give way to mountain views, wild herbs grow in the cracks and newly repaired houses that greet travellers stand alongside ruins that are being restored. It's a little wonderland. From everywhere up and down the mountain to the town of Lousa below came hikers and Mountain bikers - the area is well known for it.



We stopped for lunch - of note, the regional caldho verde soup of potatoes and cabbage, and a local spirit of chestnuts which was just divine. All came at a reasonable price, far less than the cities that raise prices for so many tourists.




I did want to buy this platter but I had no room for it in my backpack




I stopped many times to admire small details - the lintels over door ways, the ruins of an old olive press, a water mill, a view.




It's funny how many times I think of my parents in a place like this. I know they would love it. I thought how I get my love of plants from my Mum. She would have stopped to identify the plants with me, admire the roses. When your parents are at the end of their lives, it stops and makes you appreciate yours a lot more.




As usual we imagined living in a place like this. Jamie couldn't, because he is not good with heights! Some of the roads in and out must be treacherous in winter. And we would hate the tourists walking by all day. I am sure that many people don't live here at all, but have let their places for accomodations or restaurants.




From here we would head to Cabril do Ceira and Gois, but that's for another day.




There are a few schist villages scattered through this part of Portugal - but from what I can gather, this one is the best preserved and caters for tourists best. It seems a lot of Portuguese too visit here - there's lots of good restaurants and a good place for a family lunch.




I guess it's also another good reason to see Europe by car - even if it's as difficult to drive as the old Series.



With Love,


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Wow, these photos of Portugal are amazing. I wish to visit one day...

I don't want to leave ... It just gets better.

Oh, how I love those dry-stack walls! They look way older than they are, or who knows, they could just as easily be thousands of years old, and they may last just as long. One wall is already exciting, a whole house even more so, but an entire village... WOW!

Okay, I know, my gushing admiration sounds like as if you had built this town, but since it was you who posted the pics, the effect is the same. Thank you!!!

Please keep the amazing stories and breathtaking visuals coming! I'm really enjoying your trip!

Thanks so much. I think of you often with the graffiti around and the ruins and I know you'd love it.

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wow the view is breathtaking, after the hard climb it was all worth it. Hoping that maybe someday I can go to places like that ❤️

I hope you can too

Wow! What a beautiful place @riverflows I love the historical structure of the place and the pink roses and all rare plants growing in the area.