These twin waterfalls are truly amazing and enchanting

in Pinmapple20 days ago (edited)
My friend and I went exploring the mountains and we also discovered the twin waterfalls which were truly amazing I went exploring the mountains with my friend, my friend happened to come to his brother's place and met me. He took me to the mountains to enjoy the atmosphere of the twin waterfalls. My friend is named @jasonmunapasee, he really likes exploring the mountains so I went with my friends to enjoy the beauty of the waterfall ![]()

I really like the beauty of nature, especially when I go on a trip to the mountains with my friends, I can joke and laugh, it's really fun, friends.
I took some photos to share here with my blog hive friends

So friends, wherever you are, I am very entertained today with my friends because we found two very beautiful twin waterfalls, friends.

OK, bro, the waterfalls that I found are two very interesting waterfalls, I call them twin waterfalls, as we saw together, I hope blog hive friends are entertained.

My friend and I explored the mountains by walking quite a distance. We also brought preparations for lunch. We cook chicken together. We are very happy, friends.
Arriving at the waterfall, we immediately looked for wood to cook chicken while enjoying the beautiful atmosphere of the twin waterfalls

The waterfall was very cold, my friends and I took a bath and enjoyed it
It was really fun even though I was very tired from traveling, but going to the twin waterfalls was really relaxing. I like it very much
This is also the first time I share in the pinmapple community, if there are errors in my words, I also apologize

That's all my trip through the forest with my friends, even though we were tired, we were not disappointed, we were very moved. Hopefully friends here will also be entertained by the photos of the waterfall that I shared.
OK friends, wherever you are, I also ask for your support. I hope that in the future I will be even better
see you in my next post😊


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Yeah, very, very glad you mentioned my name here,This is a very extraordinary journey.I am very happy to be able to go on a journey like this with you.

I really enjoyed exploring the mountains with you. Hopefully in the future I can explore the mountains again with you. I'm so happy to meet you @jasonmunapasee

I am very happy and I am very grateful for the support. I really appreciate your comments

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