Hiking to Echo Ravine

in Pinmapple5 months ago

Golden Gate Highlands National Park
The Clarens region is an appealing place in South Africa. The rock formations with its distinctive Clarens beauty are a jewel in the Free State province. It has the charm of a town in Switzerland, hence the name. But near the town lies the hills of the Maluti mountains. The grassland on the rolling hills are something a photograph would never be able to capture. I stood in awe underneath the mountains and took in their magnificent creation.

There are a few trails in these mountains. It ranges from a few hours per hike to a few days. The trails are connected with each other, so you are able to connect various routes and make your own trail. For example, we decided to connect Echo Ravine with Bos Kloof which created a circle route. All of the trails are indicated on the map except for one, Cathedral Cave hike, because you have to book a guide to take you on the route as it may be unsafe if you do it alone. When I return to the Golden Gate Highlands I will do that hike.

The park is part of SANparks (South African National Parks). There is a fee for a permit to hike in the mountains, drive around the park, or to see the vultures. It is R67 for South African citizens and R266 for international visitors.

Vulture Hide
The park is unique for its vulture hide where you can go and see the “vulture restaurant”. It is a building on top of a hill where you have to walk a bit from the parking and be silent for your own safety. If you enter the building there are windows with a view of carcasses for the vultures. If you are lucky, you will be able to see how the vultures feed on the carcasses. Unfortunately when we went to the hide we did not see any vultures, only carcasses.

Echo Ravine
Our hike started off by crossing a bridge over a small river. The path snaked up the hill to a sign indicating which path is which hike. There were bricks that made stairs. I think the reason for the bricks is because of the high rainfall which causes a lot of erosion and disintegration of the path.

The one path heading down had a lot of erosion and formed a wide ditch with a width of approximately a jumping distance. A stream also decided it would be the perfect place to trickle down the mountains. Atleast our way was upwards, so no jumping for us. The mountains surrounding us were glorious. It was interesting to see the rock formations and it was thought provoking to think about how some of them were shaped to how they look now.

It was a short ascent in direct sunlight until we entered a forest area. You could already hear and see the water coming down. The lushes green forest dips you into coolness. It is at that moment you take a breath of fresh air and appreciate the green surrounding you. We only stopped for a moment because I was too excited to go into the ravine, but I recommend a break to appreciate where you are.

The forest ended and we were met with a spectacular view. Our eyes looked up to see the crack of blue sky in between the rock. It was something I never knew I needed to see. It was magical!

We explored deeper into the ravine and saw that it stretched quite far. There were droplets dripping from the heights which glowed in the sun like golden honey. It was clean water which also had a sweet taste like honey.

This ravine was an experience that I would never forget. The echoes of laughter and gratitude would always stay in my heart.

Carrying on
We had our fun of exploring in the ravine and decided that we would turn back. Instead of going the same way back, we took another path which would lead us to a lookout point.

The ascend was not that much until we reached the lookout point. It had a lovely scene of the valley. We wanted to connect another path with our route to another lookout point, but the heat got the best of us. We took a breather and decided to circle back.

Our path started to wind down towards the starting point. With the whole way down we had the beautiful view of the valley. It was a peaceful hike down. It was not at all straining or anxiety inducing because of dangerous heights like other hiking routes. But, the ditch I mentioned before fell on our route. We helped each other over the jump. I almost slipped, but atleast @fermentedphil came to my rescue.

On our hike down we saw some beautiful forget-me-nots. I always stop to admire these blue flowers. They are so delicate and an art piece on its own.

Post-hike treat
There was a coffee-truck at the side of the parking lot. @fermentedphil had a double espresso, in that heat it is definitely a questionable choice but nonetheless, he said that it was some of the best espresso he ever had. I had a refreshing cooler that was so nice after the hike.

We drove around the park for a bit and enjoyed the scenery. I think this is one of my favourite hiking spots in the Drakensberg region.

If you find yourself in the Northern part of the Drakensberg mountains or somewhere near Clarens, try to visit the Golden Gate Highlands National Park. It is a slice of nature for the whole family to enjoy!

(This post is my own creation about my experience in the Golden Gate. The photographs were taken with either my iPhone or @fermentedphil’s Nikon D300)


I am so glad that we can do hikes like this together. And I am proud of what you have done on here so far! Keep it up.

Thank you <3

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Beautiful valley and rock formation

It really is!

Your detailed description of the hike to Echo Ravine in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park provides a vivid picture of the breathtaking landscapes and unique experiences you encountered. The connection between the trails, the lush green forest, and the ascent into the ravine creates a sense of adventure and appreciation for nature.

Thank you for reading my post this closely to have come to you conclusion. I am so grateful!

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Summer months really too hot to hike into the day, beautiful region we visited regularly when young going April/May to witness the cosmos in bloom, Poplar trees turning gold ready for winter.

When you plan to return go during cooler part of the year enabling hikes a little later into the day there is a lot to explore in the region.


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Yes, we wanted to go in April in 2020 but Covid hit. So we had to postpone it until now. But I completely agree!

It is strange weather though. Once we went in December and it was -1°C.

Zues has been throwing all his furniture around upstairs with crazy storms here.

Experienced Christmas day wrapped up in jackets one year is was that cold in Durban, Berg no matter which region can drastically change.

Winter walks for me that wee bit safer, no (not as many) snakes hanging around in thick green grass...., downside is tall yellow grass has tick patches, pick your poison 🙃

Yes it is really crazy the sudden changes in weather!

I completely agree. We have done two hikes last year in the summer where we have seen snakes. It can get really dangerous if you are far from people or if you have no signal.

Always walk with a stick no matter time of year, bush wack to alert anything that moves 🙂

Definitely! My mother always drags a walking stick behind her so that the vibrations scare the snakes away.

Haha, I hit the bush ahead check under lumpy grass that cover a path or fallen branch, stick has been effectively to pole vault directly up and land a few feet away from said slithering snake on top of mountain at Cathedral Peak in month of February.....

What a stunning hike! The last time I went anywhere in the Drakensburg it rained the whole weekend and eventually my crazy father made us hike in the rain anyway! Hahaha! I distinctly remember the earthworms coming up and being about a foot long - no jokes!

Oh my goodness! That sounds like an adventure and a half. The wildlife in the Drakensberg is a different breed ;p

When we camped there this December it rained every second day so when we hiked the routes were always wet.

The blue skies added so much beauty to the scenery!! Your write ups is beautiful, I got drowned with your words 😍

The sky is mesmerising, right?

Awww thank you for the compliment! I appreciate it very much <3

Woah the view and the Rock formations were amazing, also your skills on taking photos was awesome (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

Thank you for the compliments! I am filled with gratitude <3

It's very wonderful place where we enjoyed and we discover a lot of hidden there.

I am glad to hear!

The rock formation was really fascinating.Omg,I like to visit in that kind of place.💗

If I saw this kind of view personally I can't help to take pictures of it.😍The view got my heart😳.

Right! It was really an experience. You would want to stay for hours :p

Hello, beautiful place. I'm geologist and I'm enjoyed this post seeing beautiful landscapes and rock's formations.

Oh wow! I love geology, it is a big interest of mine. I am glad you enjoyed it <3