"Jia-WaWa" Stores Only in Taiwan.

in Pinmapple2 years ago (edited)

I was introduced from my good friend that this is a very popular phenomenon in Taiwan. Its so popular I see these store literally everywhere. I witnessed it by my scooter trip a circle around the entire island of Taiwan. From north to south, easy to west if there are people living then there is a "Jia-WaWa" store 100%. It seems like its almost an embedded part of its culture even.

He told me that if I get into it, then it becomes very addicting. He was right, there are people who are really into it and you can find plenty of articles about it on youtube. I wanted to understand why it was so addicting and fun so I played it all night with no sleep with my bud. And yes there is definitely something here that is what I also felt the same way when I went to Las Vegas... its the feeling of playing slot machine.

There is a vibe... a state of mind... when you sit in front of the slot machine and put your first $20 and start pressing away. Its flashy, it seems like I am in my own little fantasy that I just might win the jackpot today. And if you have plenty of cash to burn you can literally sit there for 4 hours straight no problem. I analyze it as the feeling of bliss where time stops and fruitful of hope of might winning is cheering in your mind. Its really fun to get into that mode~

Its good to get your mind off of reality once in a while and doze off to some fun endorphin releasing simple game gambling. But for sure if over done there are problems too. However this is with anything... too much of anything is never good.

But yup~ its that feeling alright. And in Taiwan you dont need to drive to Vegas because you can walk to a Jia-WaWa store where ever you are located. The most popular stores you will see in Taiwan that is walking distance anywhere you are is 7-11 convenience store, Fried chicken store, Boba tea store, and the Jia-WaWa store. Its like in every 100 meters of walking it's guaranteed you will stop by at least one of the stores I mentioned above.

So since we are not kids who dont have money to begin with at the arcade we went out Vegas style. Bulk up the cash and just play it for fun. That night per person was shelling out at least $200 USD in value and we literally took all the items in the store by sheer playing all night to the morning. I wanted the full on front row seat experience about this game and lifestyle so yea I went all out that night.

Its kinda how I do things in life.... if you gonna experience it once then full throttle it alllllll the way and check it off on my list of experiences and move on to the next.

We probably bought out that entire store that night. And yea I get it~ it doesn't make any sense right? It doesn't have to cause nothing makes sense when you are gambling. Its just bunch of money and prizes moving back and forth for entertainment. Thats in its purest form. We were determined to spend it all that night. Leaving nothing behind~

This actually helps when playing cause you dont get the feeling of loosing completely. When doing so emotions can go up and down like a roller coaster. I seen it all here at the Jia-WaWa store. But we all kept the mentality strictly that its fun and games. Thats it.

Then you will have a good time.

Its one of the interesting things I wanted to blog post cause its like one if those things you see every single day but don't understand what its all about. If you want, you gotta hang out with the locals and become one for that night. :)

Went to my friends place to just chill out till morning and then went back home. Back to the routined normality. and off to work. :)

Living in Taiwan in my second year...the more I see the more there is to see. Often it can be right in front of us... don't judge and just ride with the flow of things. Then things get exciting when living in other countries.

My 2 cents. :)

All in all I take this as an experience but its not really my cup if tea for fun. I think I much rather play a game of golf instead but that is just me.

Thanks for checking out my blog post. Hope to provide more experiences while I am here. So stay tuned and....
Set the Tone!!!!


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Did you make a profit? I don't know exactly what materials are there but it looks profitable for you. Hahahah I love your lifestyle, man. All or nothing.

Its wasn't really about getting profit on this one. It was that I wanted to experience a full on addiction like play time that me and my friends all went all out on. So it was more about trying to get that sensational feeling no matter what the cost was and it was around $200. :)

@livinguktaiwan knows but $200 for that is just stupidly a lot of money to waste on. But for a one time deal? why not. :)

Dude I know you didn't do it for profit but I'm curious. Just let me know 😂

Nope!~ in the end we can't win the house yo!! Lost all the money but got some power banks and some cables n stuff. lolz

Hahaha then you just had fun which is great! It's totally worth it man. Sometimes we have to do things like that just for once so we can have fun.

Are you freakin crazy? You spent 200 USD!!!!! in there!!!

One time and pretty much will be the last time. I figured the only way to get anything there is lesson the chances by keep playing. Yea $200 is quite a lot isnt it. Never again!!!!!

The product quality looks bad or maybe I am less aware of taiwan brands. I hope it turns out well for you. !LUV !!PGM

Yay! 🤗
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