Madame Muscle

Guest starring in the current chapter of The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley, meet Madame Muscle!

madame muscle.png

Here is what she looked like in her original appearance in Crimes By Women #7 (June 1947)

Wait, seriously, there was a comic title "Crimes by Women?"

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As a child, Mary Brinker was always strong, and as she reached adulthood her strength grew to almost superhuman proportions. She ended up finding work as a carnival strongwoman, her main act being to wrestle multiple men at once.

Mary was unfortunately very naïve and trusting, and lost her savings to a scam artist named Ratt. She caught up to Ratt and his partner, but Ratt convinced her to partner with them in a scheme to steal the nightly recipts from the carnival. This starts her down a path of criminal behavior, becoming a regular part of Ratt's gang, until she felt she wasn't getting a fair share of the take. This lead to a confrontation with Ratt, who pulled a gun on her, but Mary shrugged off the bullet without any serious injury. She took over Ratt's gang and started a series of bank robbieries where she uses her incredible strength to tear through the banker's cages and get to the money. She murdered one of the tellers at the bank as the made their escape. The police were in pursuit of the gang, with Mary riding on the car's sideboard. She ripped the car's door off it's hinges and flung it at the police car, sending it careening into a light pole.

I had to make some costume modifications. I got rid of the leopard-skin print otherwise she looks too much like Sheena. Instead just some reinforced leather and little booties. Kept those wickedly arched eyebrows.

Ta-dah! Instant strong bad woman.

The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley is a webcomic about a reality television show following the lives of seven public domain superheroines that all live together in the same mansion in the elite community of Hive Valley.

You can read the series from the beginning ---> HERE.

Created in Clip Studio Paint Pro on my mobile art studio which is a Microsoft Surface Pro 7+. Here is the time lapse video:
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wow killed a bank teller.
comics were different back in the day.

She can actually beat up a man😅