Original and black and white photos each have their own character

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago (edited)

Each photo must have its own distinctive image, whether it's from the original photo, colored photos that glow or without color, namely black and white. I currently have photos of wild forest mushrooms, maybe these mushrooms are not edible. Because what I saw on this mushroom has a unique color and shape, I was interested in trying to photograph it from various directions.

Then after I got the photo I edited it using the "Snapseed" application with various additional colors, and some additional photo clarity, so that it was clearly visible for the mushroom.

  • Original photo


  • Black and White photo


  • Original photo


  • Black and White photo


  • Original photo


  • Black and White photo


From the photos above, it shows that each photo has its own character, both have beauty, only different in color.

My knowledge in editing still looks very low, but the so-called knowledge will be valuable to people who don't know it yet.

If you are still curious about it, please download an application for photo editing, there are many effects that clarify photos. And there is also a black and white category that has different effects, one of which is dark, and I myself use a dark effect, so it looks more charming.

Thank you very much...


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