'Dream Scenario' by Kristoffer Borgli Review: An incredibly fresh idea

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago


The Internet is riddled with creepypasta that goes into the realm of weird dreams and events that take place both within the space of dreams and reality. One of which I recall, and I'm not zoomer expert on the whole creepypasta thing, goes into the idea of how many people may end up seeing the same face in their dreams. Stories evolve throughout the Internet regarding what that connection may be, theorising various thrilling scenarios that only contribute to the story's depth with time. The whole concept of dreams is something we barely understand, the connection they may have to our reality, the ways in which they influence our daily lives. The noticing of coincidences and the fears that they detail. Dream Scenario is a film that takes advantage of this idea, in which a random man of no significance ends up being the subject of people's dreams around the world. With no real answer as to what is happening. One can only imagine the strangeness of such an event, where society as a whole begins to see the same face in their dreams, various events of both good and bad as this figure finds his way in every night. The strangeness of this only increased with the discovery of this man being a real person.

It's an incredibly fresh idea, reminding me much of the older time in Hollywood before the algorithms and streaming services attempted to understand us and assume what we wanted to see. When fresh ideas were given funding and exploration, leading to a lot of interesting stories being told. Dream Scenario really feels like something that wouldn't be made today, more belonging to the era of the 80s or 90s. I really enjoyed everything about it, how it told a simple story and then went on its way. Not overstaying its welcome. I haven't been a fan of what A24 has been doing for a while now, but I'd definitely say this is a bit of a hit. What makes it particularly more interesting is how this isn't a horror film ultimately, being void of the more modern attempts to thrill and cause discomfort. Instead having the odd moment of comedy rather than scares. It ends up being a great bit of funfor almost two hours.

This review may feature some discussion over the film's story. With a simple story, it may hold the odd spoiler here and there. Read on at your own discretion!

Dream Scenario


Imagine the most average person you could possibly imagine. A person with seemingly no real significance whatsoever. Our protagonist is precisely that. A man that teaches in a school, mostly bald and calm speaking, a married man with no real career options ahead. Already at the later point of his life and feeling as if it is going nowhere as he struggles with the existentialism of his boring life. Dreaming of the day in which he can get one of his books published and gain some fame for it, barely caring for the idea of money, but rather the idea of becoming someone, a person that is praised and remembered within time. The lack of importance to most people makes our protagonist rather desperate, a person that is certainly weak and shy, pushed down and definitely intimidated by the world. To some oddity, people around him start to notice that they're having dreams that feature him to some degree, usually in which he just appears and lingers around, having no real importance to the dream's outcome whatsoever. Things become more strange as they notice they aren't alone in having these dreams. Word spreading around quick.

With something like this, the first thing is that our protagonist gains a lot of local fame, which grows drastically beyond his town and across the world. It's something he loves and immediately provides a big boost to his self-esteem, taking advantage of the fame and sudden attention as he starts to think of himself as some kind of celebrity. Even going as far as attempting to push the publication of his book again, as the world around him takes advantage of him for their own agendas: news, Internet, and even marketing companies. We see a torn man becoming even more torn, confused with the world and trying to play up a character that ultimately isn't him. To some coincidence, this leads to more catastrophic results: the dreams people around the world have start to become more negative, a more monstrous version of him in which he conducts horrific acts. Suddenly, this fame takes a turn for the worst, and he's now hated by most. Almost blacklisted from normal public spaces for things he hasn't done. Incapable of just sitting in cafes, working, and conducting the prior deals that contributed to his fame. We see how the world pretty much drops him, as well as how those who manipulate him for their own greed continue to do so.

It's hard to say what sort of meaning this film has. It's one that is open to plenty of speculation. If I were to speculate, I'd make the connection between our protagonist's thirst for fame resulting in his general view from people being something overly negative, how he changes his personality for the worst and becomes someone he isn't, changing the quiet persona he is for something that is just as cruel as the world that subjects him to that depression. How society pushes people down, makes them struggle, forces them to change who they are, then continues to push them down. Making them into someone they are not, causing great harm in the process. The loss of the individual as they're chewed up and spit out. I quite like this as the general idea of the story, and I'm happy that there wasn't a specific idea that was thrown into our faces, no real answers as to what actually happened. We never really know what caused such an odd event to take place, and it seems as if the world isn't that interested in finding out either. More just they money that can be made from it. Again, that pursuit of greed.


The performance by Nicholas Cage is great, as an actor that was himself once hated for his poor performances and choice of films, it's fitting that he plays the role of a man beaten down by society while trying to make a living for himself, trying to survive in an already harsh world. His performance here was strong, a solid one that pursued the idea of a weak man that speaks in a gentle down, seems incredibly gentle, and incapable of causing any harm. The seeming obedience he has to any authority and his attempts to talk back being something that show that weakness in its peak. I really liked it. A protagonist that isn't strong, isn't winning at life. A chance to redeem things and take his life to another life, but does he really have what it takes? Is this really what he needs and wants? That question over life and what is best for us returning. I think the directing also heavily contributes to this.

It looks as if it was shot on 16mm film, far more grainy than usual with 35mm film stock. The image is then much darker in tones, particular in all colours as shadows are quite strong. The grain removes detail from the image which in turn provides a soft, dream-like perspective on life. The directing often enough is fixed, showing perspectives from other rooms as our protagonists interact with the space, the feeling of being an external factor in this space remains, much like his presence does in the realm of people's dreams. Life almost appearing as something no different. We roam through life as random faces to others, where maybe we appear in their lives for short periods of time, never seen again or remembered. Just a face in the day. It's quite fascinating how you can make so many connections and theories as to what the film is about, particularly in story and cinematography. The way it makes you think about life, dreams, and even death. The chaos of being. The strangeness of how life works without rule, under the general facade of rule itself. I think Dream Scenario is a unique film that is certainly worth the watch for this alone.


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hahaha I saw that creepypasta and it never seemed real at first because the event is very difficult and easy to manipulate BUT what a detail they turned that concept into reality because it is undoubtedly attractive because I remember I sat down to watch the video in those years that narrated that creepypasta and even said that that face could be the face of God.

Now even more striking is the Nicolas Cage, with just the image I will have it noted, it is given very strong to the actor in reviews but I do not know in my case I see it and it's funny 😂

Now about the concept of everyone dreaming with the same face, if I think that all beings and things to some extent there is connection because in theory in my case I believe in the Big Bang, then at some point in the past we were nothing and from one moment to another we were one to be the whole, I think maybe the concept eter explain this but beyond this is interesting philosophical debate that raises the film with a mass of people dreaming the same face


ajjaja yo vi esa creepypasta y nunca me pareció real a primeras porque es muy difícil el evento y de paso fácil de manipular PERO que detallazo volvieron ese concepto realidad ya que indudablemente es atractivo porque recuerdo me senté a ver el video en aquellos años que narraba esa creepypasta e inclusive decia ue ese rostro podría ser el rostro de Dios

Ahora mas llamativo aun es el Nicolas Cage, con solo la imagen la tendré anotada, se le da muy fuerte al actor en criticas pero no se en mi caso lo veo y es gracioso 😂

Ahora sobre el concepto todos sueñen con una misma cara, si pienso que todos los seres y cosas hasta cierto punto hay conexión porque en teoría en mi caso creo en el Big Bang, entonces en algun momento del pasado fuimos nada y de un momento a otro fuimos uno para ser el todo, pienso tal vez el concepto eter explique esto pero mas allá de esto es interesante el debate filosófico que plantea el film con una masa de personas soñando el mismo rostro

Yeah the entirely of the dream realm itself is something insane to comprehend. The ability for our minds to enter another sort of reality, in which it often feels very real. Brings up the question of what reality actually is. Is it me typing this? Or another space in which once I enter a specific state, the possibilities of all things opens up? If it all feels real, what is real?


It is that the philosophical conflict of the dream is how many I's there are, that's why the question of what is real that is one, in the dream there is like another self that advances which can reveal things and when we are conscious there is another self that is what we call consciousness that we hear it in our minds and speaks the same as us then the brain already talking about the dream aspect I think is a subject yet to be explored because weird things definitely happen there.... stranger things hahaha


Es que el conflicto filosófico del sueño es cuantos yo hay, por eso la pregunta de que es real esa es una, en el sueño hay como otro yo que avanza el cual puede revelar cosas y cuando estamos conscientes hay otro yo que es el que llamamos conciencia que lo escuchamos en nuestras mentes y habla igual que nosotros entonces el cerebro ya hablando del aspecto sueño pienso es una materia aun por explorar porque cosas raras definitivamente suceden allí.... stranger things jajaja

wow how interesting this story line, I would really like to see, especially with Nicholas Cage who I haven't seen for quite a while now in productions like this. Cheers and hugs buddy what a great review.😃

It's worth watching! Check it out if you can :)

Thanks my friend! It's very good your review, thanks for sharing soon I'll be watching it.🤗