Net Zero(Like the IQ of The Ones Falling for This Shit)

in LeoFinance17 days ago

Net zero is nonsense... You can't achieve it without starving humanity to death and killing off whatever industry is left. So, whenever I hear someone like ECB's president, Christine Lagarde, spouting off (actually reading from a prompter) about the EU's aim to reach net zero (sometime in the future), it makes me laugh and cry simultaneously.

These folks always have a plan for problems that don't actually exist. They claim we've caused climate change with our SUVs and all the beef we've been consuming for decades, and our indulgent way of life. Well, where were we when the climate shifted numerous times over thousands, if not millions, of years in the planet's history?

There were no SUVs traversing roads when mammoths met their demise, and there's no man-made climate change happening now either. It's all nonsense. They talk about floods and droughts and other rare weather phenomena. Well, ask the Saudis how they ended up with heavy rain? They induced it using technology.


We've intentionally messed things up, like that eccentric fellow, Bill Gates, who plans to block the sun to cool Earth's temperatures. Who is he to obstruct our sun? Since when does a person intolerant to insulin have the right to decide for us all? What's wrong with diesel? What's wrong with owning and spending cash and crypto?

Well, I'll tell you what's wrong with all of that. Cash and diesel offer the freedom of choice, travel, and spending, while central bank currencies, which are the masterplan behind all this, are programmable money. Money that we won't be allowed to spend as we wish.

They claim that CBDCs will be safer and less prone to inflation and "financial disasters," but I say that's nonsense. CBDCs will only strip away almost all the remaining freedom we have and transfer it into the hands of the power-hungry oligarchs. They don't even care about money anymore; this game stopped being about money long ago. They can conjure it out of thin air.

We can do that too, as we do here on Hive, but they want to be behind the wheel of this truck. Yes, sir...

When I say "they," I'm not referring to Christine Lagarde or any other puppet reading off a prompter. They have zero freedom of choice and decision-making power in this game. They're just following orders and informing the public about the next fear-mongering event that will advance the elite's agenda. That's it. If you haven't already noticed, the most significant freedoms taken from us since 9/11 have been through fear induced by artificially created events.

9/11 was a man-made event, the same goes for COVID, and climate change isn't any different. If you fell for the IQ test that was the COVID pandemic, be careful not to fail again with climate change...

Thanks for your attention,


I hope you understand that this post is toxic cathartic venting.

Pollution is a problem and people know it's a problem.
Politicians come in to capitalize on that problem and seize power.
Trusting the politician doesn't make one an idiot.
The entire system is designed to work.
If it didn't work they'd just change it to a strategy that worked.

The constant false equivalence between trust and intelligence is an alarming trend that plays right into the left vs right dichotomy and allows politicians to seize even more power. I hope you can see that this attitude is very much part of the problem. Anyone running around like, "Oh you believe XYZ, well then you must be a fucking moron!" is part of the problem. It is not possible for one person to know very much.

Every person has a limited scope. All of society is completely founded on being required to trust other people. When that trust gets exploited for personal gain it doesn't make people stupid: it makes them victims of the very system they depend on to survive. To expect people to snap out of the brainwashing that they've been indoctrinated in since birth is not a reasonable expectation. The only way to dig our way out of this shithole is to create something better, and thus far no one in the world has succeeded in achieving that goal. I mean obviously we are trying but progress is slow and hindered by the very people that are threatened by a new system... so that's fun.

Cannot agree with you more, these man made rules by people not voted for is all bullshit.

Funny thought is Gates going to be able to stop geomagnetic storms with his inter stellar umbrella?

Likes of you and I are to stand firm, let people become more aware of the lies they are being fed daily through media.

@tipu curate

It’s so sad seeing that the masses are so blind to all of this.

Want to meet Audism it occurs in all levels of government, come to South Africa!

I’m fine with Romania 😁

🤣 think I would too, if I could....

If climate change is so serious, why do all our self-appointed rulers and celebrities go to big expensive (and very well catered) conferences in exotic locations by private jet ? Wouldn't it be greener and more net-zeroish to just video-conference from home ?


I completely agree!

I appreciate that

yes, I totally agree, but i'm blind with rage, because of I can't change this state of things. Italian state, and Europe also, doesn't love us, I feel betrayed, and I'm looking for some way
civil disobedience to preserve my mental stability.