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RE: @jrcornel Being Flagged to Zero!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Not sure why this is something that would make you "get out", I wish more people would see this as him having attacked Hive and its proof of brain for years instead of the community attacking him back for 1 day after it's been revealed what he's been up to.


Prove it and give him his rightful say, and I'll stay.

Ait well that sounds pretty shortsighted in my view, there's plenty of reasons to be on Hive and continue posting, even if your rewards are being downvoted for one reason or another.

Yeah . . .

. . . if only this were an isolated incident and the opinions expressed and actions taken were anomalies.

And all the while everyone continues to defend downvoting, the instrument that makes all this possible!

What does that tell you about the community?

Just incredible.

Simply nuts.

It's just downvotes, calm down.

Keep telling yourself that.