Hollywood attacks bitcoin - the "crypto is criminal" narrative

in LeoFinance16 days ago

Hollywood Attacks Bitcoin


I've been watching this interesting American drama on Amazon Prime. It's a pre-apocalyptic series based around the efforts of the US government, and a particular tech organisation, to save humanity from impending doom. Said impending doom is one of the usual extinction threats we face; a giant asteroid.

At some point, no spoilers, investigations into a clandestine group reveal payments by crypto, bitcoin to be specific, for illegal activities. They then go on to portray Bitcoin as a "bad thing" mainly used by terrorists, drug dealers and other such shady figures, to hide and launder money.

At the point of recording that series, I suppose we might have been in a bear market. The price of bitcoin has gone up nearly 10x since then. Imagine someone hearing about bitcoin for the first time while watching the show and coming to the conclusion that it, and other cryptos, are "criminal". Said person would not have been encouraged to invest in some because of this. Had they cancelled their Netflix or Amazon Prime subscription and DCA'd into bitcoin instead, not only would they still have that money, but nearly 10x as much. Had they picked some micro then hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps even millions of dollars, wouldn't be far-fetched a possibility.

Peace & Love,



But at the same time, there has been a huge uptake in Hollywood getting into the crypto scene by way of NFT's and other things in the past couple of years....so I guess it's the usual- some do, some don't..

I'm sure people are buying actual bitcoin too... just like the banks. What they say and what they do are not always the same

Oh I'm sure the big kahuna's in HW are all buying their share of Bitcoin and are looking towards the other larger coins too and you're right- doing and saying are not always the same...

These guys are just scaring the users right now and we will see them take the market up again in no time.

Only this was missing, many news outlets as well as government entities against $BTC, and now also in the movie industries are raising these cases without knowing how a crypto market cycle works.

its attack on all fronts

Well, there are still some Hollywood movies or series that usually want people to indulge in cryptocurrency…
Different people with different views