Daily New Coins: A Blessing or a Curse for Crypto Investors?

in LeoFinance16 days ago

Every financial market is the best place to invest and earn decent money but it makes confuse when you see that there are new coins coming on daily basis.

Among all the financial markets I love Crypto market the most but its making me confuse when I see new coins being launched on daily basis.

I am the user of #binance exchange and I can see that after every 3-4 days a new coin is being listed in #binance.

This is the case only with binance if we talk from all exchanges then it will not be wrong that new coins are being listed on daily basis.

If I talk about FOREX, STOCK they have the limited number of shares and currencies. There is no such scenario in these markets and that is what makes it beauty.

But if I talk about Crypto daily new coins are being listed which really confuses about this market that either is it safe to bring your money in this crypto industry.

I dont know why there are many coins launching on daily basis, what are their purpose and what project they have?

I am really concerned about all new coins that they are only here to scam people, take their money and run away.

I think the more number of coins will confuse people for investing and also will end the beauty of this market.

Therefore, this market is becoming hard for investment and choosing the right project and that is why in the next bearish cycle about 85% of the coins will be vanished.

It is advised to choose the right project for your investment which is better to regret tomorrow.

What do you people think about these new coins and what are their purpose and their projects? Will be glad to see your answers in the comment section.

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Best Wishes.