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RE: @jrcornel Being Flagged to Zero!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

What do you demonstrate when you take as unchangeable what is changeable?

Clearly, imo, this is an opportunity for the rules to change us.
Just because you don't the esoteric, doesn't mean none of us do.

If we change all the rules to suit ourselves, what would we be left with?
Nobody wants to play that game, let me assure you.


HIVE only survives as a real viable social media if the negative incentives are eliminated. You can't reward negative behavior and expect good things to happen.

We just saw another example, which doesn't seem like that big of deal in the grand scheme of things, but as a lesson in what negative rewarding leads to, it was classic.

To each his/her own, but to play the social media game, you've at least got to get the basic rules right.

Said another way, only a fool tries to reinvent the wheel. ;-)


HIVE only survives as a real viable social media if the negative incentives are eliminated.

Black or White.

I think we will take our chances.
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