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RE: @jrcornel Being Flagged to Zero!

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

remember geekgirl about slowwalker?

You said, slowwalker is decent and supported you with 'votes'. remember what I said? they got to vote something..

Oh wait, want to see slowwalker now??

geekgirl I like you, but you can be naive sometimes.


I like you too and I would come to your defense as well if I saw you were being bullied. You are a great asset to Hive as an author, investor, and active member.

Yes, you have been right in the past and I was wrong. Just because you were right in the past doesn't mean you are right all the time. Is it possible you might be wrong sometimes? I think you are this time.

I find @jrcornel blog posts interesting and useful and I believe many others do too. Sometimes just to catch up with what is going on with BTC and Crypto, I specifically go to Jrcornel posts to see what's going on.

What are the reasons for downvotes? Cross-posting on Steemit? Selling Hive? These reasons don't fit in any definition of an abuse. What people do with their content and assets is their business. Don't you agree? Isn't that what Hive actually means?

Driving away talented authors that provide solid and consistent content using Hive blockchain doesn't really help the cause Hive is trying to advance.

Please reconsider your downvotes. It is not just authors you are hurting but also the Hive members that enjoy the content shared by the author.

Do you really think he is talented? His posts basically are reduced to repeating what news outlets publish and at the end say "stay informed my friends".

Of course sharing what is going on in the world has some value. But I think that what ticked off alot of people was the fact that he has been milking the reward pool with several alt accounts while pretending by omision to mention they they belong to the same person.

To be honest, I dont blame him for still riding the milk train on steem. Let's be honest, a bunch of people are posting on both chains. Are we going to start to downvote all the people from Venezuela and other misfortunate countries who are doing the same? What good would that acomplish?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do think he is a talented author. Keeping up with the daily crypto news and presenting summary with personal opinions in an interesting way does take some talent. And I see value in that for Hive.

"His posts basically are reduced to repeating what news outlets publish and at the end say "stay informed my friends"."

Good point. One of the reasons I muted him, aside from considering his content overvalued.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Agreed everything was repeated what was already out there and nothing new.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not talking about anyone other than you and me. Because for everything else, the evidence that @abh12345 presents right here at the top is sufficient. If you have any questions I am sure Ash will be more than satisfied to help you. Please feel to check it out.

Yes past performance doesn’t guarantee future results ;) Mutual funds say that eh? Yeah BTC went from $100 to $50,000 doesn’t mean it will go to $500,000? Eh? :)

Yeah. I am right yet again. And no, I am not right all the time.

I always enjoy our discussions geekgirl.