Splinterlands battle mage secrets: Heavy Hitters

in LeoFinance15 days ago

Hello Splinter nerds


This week's Splinterlands battle mage secret is Heavy Hitters

This rule gives all the monsters on either team a Knock out ability and this ability gets activated when a monster is Stun, it causes double damage to a stunned monster.

I was paired in a battle with Zmokez008, it was a high mana battle cap of 45 and being a fan of a high mana cap because I won that more, I was a bit confident and knew what I was going to use after seeing the 3 rulesets.


The other 2 rulesets were:

Lost Magic: Monsters with magic can not be used, in this kind of rule, I love to play defense against range attacks by using a summoner or monster with fire return or I use a Lily panda summoner that focuses all the monsters attack on the first monster on my team due to the Camouflage stat it possesses.

Corrosive Fog: This ruleset was added recently, all monsters take corrosive damage each round, which means they lose 1 armor each round permanently so there is no point putting effort in defending with armor or using monsters with the repair ability.

All the splinters were available and I did not have to think much before I knew the summoner and Splinter I was going to use to conquer the opponent.


battle link

The opponent used the water splinter using Possibilus The Wise summoner to summon some badass melee monsters, and he tried protecting his tank by using 2 monsters with the repair ability, I guess he does not know that won't work because of the Corrosive fog rule.

My formation

Inevitable & Carnage Titan


Inevitable was my first monster which was going to take all the hits from the opponent because the summoner I used had Camouflage ability, Inevitable is up to the task because it has immunity ability and won't be affected by any negative stats from the opponent, all needed is just to support him with heal tank. Carnage Titan was my second monster and I placed it there because of its double strike, it did some great damage to the opponent's tank and made it faster to eliminate it... The opponent monsters tried their best to eliminate Inevitable but the deed was impossible because of its Shield and the tank heal giving it more health.

Snakeeye Berix with the Weapon Training ability

Even though the mana cap was 45, it still was not enough to summon all the big mana monsters so I had to take advantage of the weapon training ability,* Berix Snakeye** was used to summon two nonattack monsters with a very low mana cap of 1 and 2 and they got his range attack.*

Kra'ar xoc & Albahoo Forester

These were the 2 monsters that benefitted from Berix Weapon training ability, they got 3 3-range powers which is the max they can get and that was really helpful in the battle, Imagine two monsters that cost 3 mana having 3-range powers each.

Venari CrystalSmith

Crystal Smith was my last monster but not the least as it made it possible for inevitable to last till the end of the battle, it keeps supplementing it with more health and made it possible to have a flawless victory because none of my monsters died.

if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands Battle mage secrets, you can join from here

All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The Possibilius the wise had no business in this type of ruleset and you capitalized a lot to win this 100%, but then again, the opponent couldn't have predicted your lineup. good game..

thanks man, I just made sure my tank is not easily defeated.

This is fantastic!!!!
I’m shocked that none of your monsters died
Kudos to you!

flawless victory without injury😃

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