My Gamble Experiences and Financial Effects

in LeoFinance29 days ago

Let me start with this question. Do you know that Africans have the world's largest and most significant record of youth gambling? Every individual who has learned the need and usefulness of money, and the need to care for oneself will always find ways to make money. I am an individual who is trying to combo school with academics and not let any of them overthrow me. Before now, I used to depend on my parents for everything I needed, from pocket money to wallet money. Everything I needed was well taken off by my parents.

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But things have changed now. I now take most of the spending upon my head. My parents have now switched their money budget of little spending to me. As a young boy still trying to balance school with finance, I had to research several websites online so that I could carry out tasks and earn. I needed an online paying site that I could engage in and would not interfere with my school activities. I didn't find anyone, so Hive has been one of the best and most helpful platforms. I also engaged in many airdrops hoping I could make money but the ones I have done have yielded nothing but eating up my data. I engaged in a lot of airdrops most of which I learned would make me a multi-millionaire when they launched but I am still a nano-millionaire today.


Since all these efforts were in vain. I decided to take another path. There is a saying, "Only a foolish man will take a path, find out it's blocked and stand to watch. A wise man would always take another path immediately and move on with life." So I stood on this quote and diverted to a new earning strategy but this one almost brought me from grace to grass. This is the worst money-making strategy I have engaged myself in, betting. I began to learn how to bet from most of my mates who were already into it. They taught me with passion. I felt they were helping me but I never knew they were leading me to the path of my financial downfall.

I have won some cash from my betting activity several times but to be honest, I have lost multiple times more than I have won. The worst thing about betting is the feeling of staking high to boom millions in one day, but at the end nothing in return. This feeling can make one stake his life for a game he can't predict what the outcome would look like. I got addicted to betting and it almost ruined my financial and emotional life. It affected my emotions because when I stake my money and I lose I would always see myself as a lazy and stupid human being. I have suffered from depression many times, my parents used to get worried about me but I never opened up to anyone. It affected my financial life in the sense that I had to use some of my HBDs to bet. The pictures below show how I often take away from my little earnings from Hive to waste on the different betting platforms.


I got vexed with betting to the extent that I had to download all the possible betting applications from both the Play Store and Palm Store. This picture shows how I organized my different betting apps to help me bet properly.


But it all yielded me nothing but losses and downed emotions.

The addiction to betting mobile betting upgraded to shop betting. I got addicted to it to the extent that I began to feel that visiting the betting shop, listening and getting what others staked would yield me a better outcome and that I would recover all I lost. But I was very wrong as I would always see people like me who often go into a serious depression after losing their money.

The addiction to betting is more like an addiction to smoking.

This is one of the financial growth strategies I took and I will forever regret ever thinking of it. I would love to encourage everyone like me to avoid betting unless you are very talented in predictions of games or you just love doing it. I'm not trying to work against betting companies but I'm only trying to caution everyone with my experiences and life stories.

All the images are mine. The thumbnail is designed by me using Kriadl.

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