
in LeoFinancelast month




keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters

- webster online dictionary

I know just a small group of people with financial prowess and intelligence that I truly admire. One is my dad, who is just 99% the hardest worker I know, and 1% smart enough to know to PAY others, much smarfter ppl (financial advisors) to handle his money.

The other two people who I know are immagrants, and through education + much sweat and hours have amassed mostly lots of real estate.

The other other 98% of 'wealthy/rich' ppl I know of were born into wealth, or are terribly smart, or even just hustlers, but all seem to know how to PAY those smarter than they, to help them add to their wealth.

I can be jealous of the latter, but it is the hard workers and smarties that really impress..

ps. I count the ppl here on hive as the majority of financially smart ppl that I know.