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RE: @jrcornel Being Flagged to Zero!

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

First let me say I don’t give a damn about you being the least bit bothered by this tag. Anyone who complains about this tag is only showing the rest of the world the total disdain they have for HIVE. Yes you heard me right, for HIVE. Because if this is a bother, the heart and soul of your project, then you’d better start thinking about something else.

Look at the comment I’m responding to and tell me that this individual isn’t @ranchorelaxo, @bdvoter and @haejin all rolled up in one.

You people are pathetic.

You want to survive . . . haven’t you seen it enough times already? Get rid of downvoting now!

And take a deep breath if being tagged has bothered you so much.

Be thankful that I’ve addressed you in this semi-private way.

Do you have to spoon feed everyone all the time?

On top of it all, you’re a bunch of ingrates too?

cc: @blocktrades @gtg @roelandp @good-karma @ausbitbank @steempress @anyx @steempeak @yabapmatt @pharesim @therealwolf @someguy123 @arcange @stoodkev @followbtcnews @emrebeyler @abit @ocd-witness @cervantes @aggroed @drakos @lukestokes.mhth @curie @quochuy @smooth.witness @mahdiyari @jesta @timcliff @leofinance @pfunk @holger80 @guiltyparties @threespeak @thecryptodrive @liondani @bhuz @deathwing @neoxian @actifit @engrave @steemitboard @jackmiller @klye @oflyhigh @bobinson @roomservice @innerhive @patrice @c0ff33a @kevinwong @enginewitty @fbslo @stem.witness @qurator @firepower @r0nd0n @nathanmars @ura-soul @apshamilton @dbuzz @bdcommunity @crowdwitness @cryptobrewmaster @hextech @dragosroua @satren @busy.witness @rotfl @cadawg @discovery-it @complexring @blue-witness @aizensou @b0y2k @steemychicken1 @blockbrothers @isnochys @fernandosoder @silversteem @reazuliqbal @tazi @cervisia @primersion @fyrst-witness @mintrawa @helo @furion @dmitrydao @jamzed @hagie @kristall97 @elindos @lootkit.witness @whiterosecoffee @veteranforcrypto @dpoll.witness @pcste


Personally, I feel downvotes have a place, though, some are abused. When it comes to things like plagiarism or hatespeech - they are necessity. Differences of opinion is another story, as is reward dispute. But, I hear Blurt and Whaleshares are doing great if you wanna check out what no flags looks like?

You can't compare apples to oranges. Eliminating downvotes has to be inextricably tied to forgetting about the scammers completely and focusing only on the positive.

Imagine what Twitter would look like if everyone was obsessed with who was getting the most Likes. Well, there are, but they don't get any attention. But once you start telling them you're going to give them downvotes, look out!

You want people to focus on the positive, on real quality content, only give them positive tools. And who cares what a couple of chumps want to to with vote trading! What's more, if they've invested their own hard earned money and that's what they want to do, what's the problem with letting them do that? In their own corner where nobody sees them or cares about them while the rest of the community grows in the positive? But noooooo. They're "raping the rewards pool".

How stupidly childish can you get?

Lol what a load of nonsense.

It's amazing that you can't see the irony of you posting stuff about Trump and yet support Twitter's (and mainstream media's) fatal flaw of allowing illusion of positive reinforcements only.

That's what created the echo chambers, the spread of misinformation, and the fringe views reframed as popular opinions.

Did you know vote trading/buying happened long before Steem was a thing? Combine that with the positive shenanigans, the internet sure has a very different world view than the one in your head canon.

In their own corner where nobody sees them or cares about them while the rest of the community grows in the positive?

Yeah, except you guys stick out like sore thumbs and occupy places you shouldn't be on people's social feeds. People like you are the reasons why we need to move all social rewards to layer 2, so if a token wants that kind of boring interactions, let them.

Instead of asking yourself what can we do to incentivize people to act for the greater good of the platform, you opted for brushing everything under the rug. Instead of recognizing that something is broken when people have to act extremely selfish in order to have returns, you think it's your right.

Why the hell should anyone create value for YOU to cash out? It's time for you to power down and leave.

Everything you just said reinforces all my criticisms that I have clearly spelt out. The marginalized "corner" was made for people like you who aren't capable of seeing past their own nose. Of course, everything is relative, and we could simply agree that the whole of HIVE is a "marginalized corner". Enjoy your delusions.

BTW, Twitter's downfall is due to rewarding destructive behavior - they're not called downvotes though, rather "fact checked censorship", made by equally ignorant, emotional and vigilante inspired zealots. (The difference is that they at least try to keep up appearances with fake "fact checks", here they don't even bother, in fact they are so brazen that they admit it and directly challenge you with, "what are you going to do about it". Insanity at its best.)

You should try thinking before you open your mouth. It yields extraordinary returns.

For anyone who wants to learn more, study my timeline - I don't repeat myself twice to the same person. Now I'm transferring that policy to the group. You'll need to make the effort, but I assure you, the answer to your question (regarding the subject at hand) is there. And, if you're not happy with what you find there, you always have the HIVE cave wall.

The marginalized "corner" was made for people like you


More like you are salty that your biggest vote is powering down. Please don't project your own perceived "marginalization" and apply it to everyone else. The persecution may be in your head.

BTW, Twitter's downfall...

I doubt they will experience anything close to what you are describing. Not when they are owned by the same people that own the politicians. lol

You could have avoided all those "destructive behaviors" on Blurt. But hey, you know in your heart whatever you are spewing is false.

Try to cut the act, there's no moral superiority or "lesson" in your dribble. It's time for that self-elated arrogance to stop and get a reality check.

I will spell it out to you once again: there's no sympathy for benefactors of Ned's fuckery. You aren't entitled to cash out the value others created.

Get lost.

What I would like to know is how did @cryptographic get sucked into this mess? I understand being concerned about the one guy who has multiple accounts, but @cryptographic if you ask me, can not possibly be the same person, based on what they write about. @cryptographic writes about Trump and QAnon just as much as he writes about crypto, but from what I have seen,@jrcornel has not made any political posts. They also have different writing styles.

Also, the accuracy of the accusing is questionable, since both @frankbacon and myself were also drug into the mess before proving to be separate accounts. The damage you are doing is huge, not only to those accused, but also to the Hive blockchain. The worst of the damage however is making yourselves look like idiots, whereas before, I respected many of you.

This looks like a job for the LEO Community to proactively get to the bottom of this Dickery!
I offer myself to be Audited by someone the community selected.
@newparadigmtt observes situations like this as well.

HIVE!ON Bruvs!

And with you being so triggered and your thoughts being so chaotic, you only demonstrate that you don't have a clue at all about what you're talking about.

As I said before, have fun with your delusions - they don't go away by posting this kind of idiocy, no, they become yet more manifest.

Any further comments on your part will only take you to a higher level, that of being a certified loser.

Bet you can't help yourself. Bet you're just dying for the prize.

Edit: It's hard to believe the predictability of stupid people. Just amazing! You took the bate! And I love how you topped things off with probably the stupidest thing anyone has ever expressed on HIVE!

Congratulations, you've tied for first prize with @acidyo. You're in good company. 😍 Cheers!


And with you being so triggered and your thoughts being so chaotic

Pretty sure the only one triggered here is you. lol

That's too bad. Guess you aren't as intelligent as you first portrayed yourself.

being a certified loser

Don't be so hard on yourself. You thought clicking an upvote button was gonna take you into a cushy retirement.

How sad my "chaotic thoughts" was worth you repeating "nothings" to me while attempting to prove your supposed higher intellect. Who's the loser now?

I see you have been editing your comments furiously.

My, my, insisting on the pretense of intelligence to the end. Try to have less chaotic thoughts next time when you want to pretend you have coherent thoughts.