Internet vs Real life: My identity Crisis

in LeoFinance16 days ago (edited)


I began blogging six years ago in order to share my acquired knowledge as a pastor and businessman for others. I would write on subjects like spiritual leadership or entrepreneurship problems, hoping that there could be some use of them to a few people. But never in my wildest dreams did I think this casual hobby would change my life completely.

Over the months of regular writing, I was able to increase my small but loyal readership. Although it started slowly, I took satisfaction from being able to connect with online audiences that were interested in such issues and offer them something valuable. It felt good using my expertise to make positive changes for others albeit in a small way.

Following Popular demands

It was clear from my blogs on the platform that certain topics attracted more views from the community than others. With posts discussing cryptocurrency trends and investments regularly fetching higher tips than my usual pieces on spiritual leaderships when paid in crypto by readers.

To tap into this curiosity, I was inspired to write simple basic aspects on BCH. Much to my amazement, all these posts earned me more tips than any other writings I had done before, in a week only and one of them brought me an extra two BCH via reader tips.

It dawned on me that for a website paying bloggers using crypto, coverage about the cryptocurrency sphere itself touched the readers. If I was to make good use of my secondary income from, it seemed wise to dwell much on those areas of interest. The community showed where their hearts were pounding for.

The Big Payouts

With my crypto-based content bringing in more significant tips from readers, I decided to go full-force into blogging within this niche. Within half a year, my monthly earnings through rose 10 times compared to what they were at the beginning.

Another door opened through the platform’s sponsorship program. For instance, projects on SmartBCH within the BCH community began sponsoring me on the site’s system. My earnings went up even higher by writing promotion posts for more cryptocurrency payouts.

I realized that if I focused on the cryptocurrency theme because their interest was really strong on, I could be blogging in order to build a sustainable career here. There is a high demand for this and I decided to delve into it by covering emerging digital economies and DeFi projects.

Who Am I Online Compared to Offline?

Since my online identity had become successful in the crypto space, but offline people know me as a pastor who is viewed with respect within the community. Nevertheless, none of the people that are close to me, including members of the congregation knew about my second hustle as a blogger.

If they found out about what was consuming my time which includes things like crypto, it would be a great surprise to them. Discussing speculative digital assets at length might even look contradictory to my position as a spiritual leader. It was becoming harder and harder to maintain this double life.

Juggling Two Separate Identities

I made it easier for myself to separate my online and offline relationships by using different social media platforms. I opened three Facebook accounts; one for family and local friends, another for general online interactions and a third private account that is strictly for cryptocurrency networking.

Through Creating silos of relationships and censoring what each group could see, I hoped to become more adept at code-switching between identities.however, this only added another layer of deception that weighed on me. Constantly monitoring three profiles and censoring posts was draining.

No matter how hard I tried segmenting my online and offline circles, the dissonance of living duplicitously continued to take a mental toll. Both sides felt incomplete as I had to disguise substantial truths about my daily activities and passions.

Seeking Resolution

Still, I understood that permanently separating my identities was unsustainable while uniting them completely would involve risks too much. My solution seemed easy: find a middle ground so that my mind wouldn’t be divided so much.

Since this was my journey to navigate through; it was solely upon me on how i would strike the balance. There was no need for approval or compromise from any other person.

I decided to have a deep introspection on how I could respect my two halves without suppressing the deep truths or avoiding some possible blowbacks. A resolution that would make me feel right in my own shoes.

It was only up to me to figure out which way I could allow my two worlds coexist in harmony, without suffering from the constant pressure of double life. This was something I needed to work out for myself through self-awareness and concern for my own well-being.

Potential Approaches

After some reflection, a few choices came up about seeking a sustainable equilibrium by myself:

  • Write less online so as to spend more time offline doing things related to my career. Still blog about crypto occasionally.

  • Remove my true name and profile picture from this blog/site where I talk about cryptocurrency. Replace it with an anonymous persona that is completely separated from who I am in real life and what connections I have.

  • Be at peace with blogging on emerging technologies while still balancing with personal life, no strings attached.

  • Stop writing for sometime while finding out within me the path of least resistance and honesty that will suit me better.

The most practical way forward appears to be removing any identifying details from my existing crypto blog. It lets me continue the conversations openly while maintaining some separation.

Going forward

Pondering over it, changing profile information on my existing crypto blog to mask my identity looks like a sensible way to walk the tightrope. It would enable me to respect both what I do in real life and my online obsessions without sacrificing one for another.

For example, I may choose such an approach whereby I can amend my profile display name and photograph so that these do not contain any personal identifiers of past articles. However, only implementing it will tell if this actually works or not.

Additionally, committing myself to writing less hours every day going forward could open up more time for other life duties and job-related tasks even as there are occasional debates related to crypto.

This is potentially a method that could work if it were tested out. Moreover, maintaining some boundaries doesn’t mean one shouldn’t explore means of introducing crypto concepts to other people at some later point.

Currently, this seems like something worth exploring and might bring back a sense of tranquility again. After that, I will need to put these changes into action and see how things go generally.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


what a coincidence that today I am seeing another person who started his blogging journey from Readcash. My story is also same as yours as I also started from Readcash and noise cash.
Hugs, friend.

Yeah, opened the door to blogging to many people around the world. Most of them are here on Hive.