AI stakeholders and industry leaders to meet in Singapore

in LeoFinance13 days ago


A big conference of all stake holders in the AI industry has been organized in Singapore and it will happen in the month of June 2024. Asia is gearing up towards becoming an AI hub and this conference hopes to attract all the major leaders and stake holders in the AI industry to attend and share knowledge together. The organizers named it SuperAI conference and hopes it lives up to the billing

The AI industry continues to grow and expand with new use-cases propping up each day. Generative AI now finds application beyond just content generated from text prompts. Whether it is in fashion, construction and as far as military, the growth has been astronomical. With this growth comes the need for further collaboration within the AI industry. Both AI model developers and users have to come together to discuss on progress made and how to have a foundation framework upon which further development should be built on. That is the very essence of this conference. Now lets look at details if this conference.

Venue, date, agenda and delegates

As was mentioned earlier, the event would be held in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. The date is 5th and 6th June, 2024. Over this period of 2 days, invitees from all over the AI industry and world leaders would put heads together and chart the future of AI. Organizers of this SuperAI event are hoping to a host up to 5000 guests and tickets are still available for anyone that wish to be there.

Talking about the agenda of this conference, its all about AI and laying a solid foundation for this disruptive innovation. Here is how the organizers put it:

Industry leaders, heads of state, entrepreneurs, renowned researchers, and curious minds alike will converge at the iconic Marina Bay Sands in Singapore this June to explore and unveil the next wave of transformative AI technologies. source

To appreciate how huge this conference is going to be, take a look at the numbers shared by the organizers below:

  • Number of Guests invited: 5000
  • Number of companies to be represented: more than 1000
  • Speakers: 150
  • Journalists: 150

Various big organizations and leaders in the AI industry have partnered with the organizers of this conference and there will be representatives too. Companies like BostonDynamics, Microsoft, Deepmind and Google will all be present at the event. There will also be high profile speakers from the AI industry such as Emad Mostaque of StabilityAI and Marc Raibert from BostonDynamics will be there to address the attendees.

A wealth of knowledge to be unleashed

The event would open up a world of ideas, prospects and potentials of AI technology to attendees. There would be live panel discussions with key speakers and industry leaders to discuss important matters concerning AI such as data rights issues and government legislation that affects AI development.

There will also be demos of new innovative AI designs and models. Big companies that are using advanced AI in robotics like BostonDynamics would be on ground to showcase some of their most recent creations that are leveraging AI technology already.

For new entrants in the field of AI who are looking to grow their audience and connections, SuperAI would be a great opportunity to network and create partnerships that would be mutually beneficially both for the firms involved and the AI industry at large.

How to attend

Guests that wish to be part of this great conference can pick up their ticks from the SuperAI website. Ticket price ranges from $400 to $1500. Each ticket purchased comes with packages that give access to various event features. Below are the 3 ticket packages on sale:

  • Early bird: Cost is $400. Opens up access to many of the events main activities including coffee during the breaks and an App that would be used for networking at the conference, plus other things.

  • Regular bird: Cost is $1000. All the activities in Early bird. The difference is that early birds bought the tickets earliest.

  • Special Access Pass: Access to all the features in regular bird and early bird, including the following additions:

A unique SuperAI badge and wrist band. Access to the exclusive speaker reception & networking drinks. Access to the exclusive speaker lounge. Connect with speakers and VIP guests. Dedicated concierge for all your needs source

What else to expect from the event? Check out the following:

Keynote addresses by industry visionaries. Insights from industry visionaries, offering attendees valuable perspectives across the AI spectrum. Delve into the forefront of AI developments through engaging panel discussions led by thought leaders, fostering a rich intellectual atmosphere. source


SuperAI is hoping to transform the future of the every-growing and dynamic AI industry. If you would like to attend and stay abreast of all AI developments, then this conference is for you. If you finanlly plan to attend, then you can learn more about the event from the organizers website below:

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If I had the money, I would have gone for the conference. There is no doubt that we are going to benefit from the SuperAI training
Thanks for sharing

This would be an amazing convergence. We need more of this in the future and in nations for efficient brainstorming towards harnessing the best from AI.