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RE: Tesla Lawyers Want Billions - Story Of Greed & Hypocrisy

in LeoFinance3 months ago

So true. He makes many promises that he fails to deliver, and keeps getting away with that. Part of me thinks he actually believes he can deliver. May be overconfidence on being able to do anything and everything. But it could also be that he is knowingly lying to gain support or attention at various times.


My husband and I argued because he believed Musk was lying and only interested in money from investors. It's unfortunate, but investors still support him. We will soon see what will happen with him and his inventions. Many of his cars still don't function properly, yet the press hides news about burning cars and batteries that don't work in winter. But, maybe his space program will deliver something good. There are actually some good results, but yeah, only time will tell... and money :)