#MyLEOGoals - So I Had A Convo...

in LeoFinancelast month

I really suck at this crypto thing!

This is going to be a fun story with Jongo, so sit back, and enjoy the gong show courtesy of yours truly.

I was talking to my co-worker last week, and started discussing being an entrepreneur. I was sharing my experiences over the years and then the topic of crypto got brought up. I was taken back from the fact that I have made bad decision after bad decision, basically since this crypto thing started.

Yeah you read that right, I've been in this stuff pretty much since day one.

Let's go look at my track record of 'brilliant decisions' over the decade plus of being in this stuff....

Epic Decision Number 1

Learning about $BTC when it was only worth a few bucks, getting into mining them, mined a bunch and then sold when Bitcoin hit a number I never thought it would surpass. Let's just say, it surpassed it by like 5000% lol or whatever!

Epic Decision Number 2

Powering up $HIVE for years and years without having any liquidity when there was a bull run. I drank the kool aid and just held, believed in the propaganda and because of that, was never able to take advantage of the markets when they turned green.

Epic Decision Number 3

Being offered about six figures for my Splinterlands collection, only to turn it down and then up selling it for a low 5 figure amount. I once again, drank the kool aid and didn't take advantage of the all time highs.

Here's what I realized while discussion my adventures in crypto over the past decade....I am literally the world's worst investor cause I always buy during the highs (or hold) and sell during the lows. Even though I know this is the worst game plan in history, here I am....Continuing to make bad decision after bad decision lol

I literally, suck at this stuff lol

The only thing I know what to do is show up, and write a blog post on this blockchain every few days or so. And that has nothing to do with 'crypto' in my opinion...I've just always blogged. So I think this is why my comfort zone in this crypto stuff is....$LEO and $HIVE

I can't really mess things up. I know how to 'do this'. And while my numbers have taken. major step back since my new career path, I still enjoy hanging out, talking shop and creating on chain. I'm forever grateful for this platform because it's something...I can't even mess up.

The world's worst crypto investor, can actually do o.k. things here lol

Speaking of o.k. things, let's see how my journey went this week....

150,000 LEO Power

So getting a guage of how I'm doing with this is a little tougher than normal because....

I have my liquid $LEO, powered up $LEO visible there....

And then I also have a stash within my liquidity pool on TribalDex here:

So this goes up and down, but it looks like I have around 119,000 LEO across the platforms. I'm going to keep some liquid, because well....Read above ;)

But I'm still stashing this glorious token and trying to grow it day by day.

I hit over 7% curation APR on $HIVE Power as well, so that's a win as well.

Overall, I'm happy with my weekly adventures on chain because nowadays, everything here is a win to me. I'm under zero stress, and I no longer need to 'survive' off my effort here. Now it's all fun and enjoyable each and every week.

But still....

Please don't ever take crypto advice from me LOL

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I made a similar splinterlands decision. maybe I will have a chance to make it again with land some day. LOL

You've inspired a bunch of Hiveans and Lions, so don't be too hard on yourself. If you've made bad decisions, you've earned your stripes. Congratulations!

I'm also constantly going back to listed to Crypto Maniacs episodes to go over certain information. For example: right now I'm listening to episode #92 with @blocktrades and you know what? in the very beginning of the episode you remind everybody that you will be giving out Crypto Maniacs guest badges!

Guess who was a guest on the show? me! I believe you owe me a badge sir!

I agree with Alex. You have had some big wins here on this chain. Maybe not huge finacial wins for you but wins for others that you have helped.

Badge sent ;)

Ah! made my day! You are a legend sir! Very much enjoyed the chat. We'll definitely chat again, maybe even in person. I'm not going anywhere.

You can't change the past and I don't think the first mistake wasn't that bad. If you can take profit, then take it. Profit is profit and it's always better to take it because you never know how prices will act.

Yeah I mean, when we sold the btc, we had no idea it would ever get to the level it did when we sold. so it was profit.

I think you're too hard on yourself. I don't think you're such a bad investor. We all depend on our circumstances and we do not always have the best cards to play.

lol nah, it's just self reflection used for others amusement lol

Success comes only after hard work. It is good that you are also getting success by working hard.

Or getting really really lucky lol

Everyone wants to be wealthy because we want to stack more but it is always better to take profit when necessary
That’s an act we should learn

We can never go broke taking profit.

I don't think you are the worst investor.
I think the Splinterlands was more along the sin of greed. 6 figures can be a life changing amount for a lot of people.

I wish you the best with your new plans.

Oh man, it was greed. I should have tapped out, cause i was losing interest in the game...I was just in love with the thought that my collection could be worth multi millions lol

Yeah. i am on a big 7 deadly sins journey and how all the worlds problems come down to them.

Every day you learn something new, and even more so in the world of cryptocurrencies.
Good luck with your investment.


Why can’t you trust an atom?
Because they make up literally everything.

Credit: marshmellowman
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