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RE: @jrcornel Being Flagged to Zero!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

For the record, I am not selling HIVE/LEO for STEEM. I was moving HIVE from my jondoe account to my jrcornel account and I was moving STEEM from my jrcornel account to my jondoe account. It is correct that I did not publicly disclose that this was also my account as I have seen many others with alt accounts not disclose them as well. However, I did admit that it was my account when directly asked. When jd started becoming a higher earner along with jrcornel I should have stopped posting from it, I apologize for that. Sportsncoffee is absolutely not one of my accounts and is a friend of mine I have been helping on here for many years.


Apology not accepted. Go farm steem.

Doesn't change the fact that you are a milking dude, spinner of internet content and optimizer. Feel free to post if you wish, but don't expect any rewards in hive.

Said the dick.

BTW, were you looking in the mirror as you wrote? Just who are you and where do you get off? I'm curious.

Hey man. If that is the case I'll upvote the fuck out of you. Better yet bring some STEEM market cap over here.. Sun yuchen can afford to pump your bags as you do it. :P

As said i enjoy reading / skimming your blogs - keeps me up to date on what's going on without having to look elsewhere. hope you stick around.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta