Community Growing Together: The Evolution of Inleo from LeoFinance to a Universal Content Platform

in LeoFinance13 days ago

Hi, everyone! Some important leads to amazing opportunities have been shared on LeoFinance and Threads. Before Inleo, we built the brand LeoFinance, a community to grow together in financial aspects. We outgrew that brand. It is still part of our project, but we are now Inleo, a broader front-end for any kind of content.

In this clip:

  • Sharing and growing as a community is still part of our vision
  • LeoFinance still exists as a community inside of Hive and Inleo
  • Inleo receives content of any kind and from any community on articles and Threads
  • We’ll revive this growing-together focus with the tag #leoalpha.

The vision that brought to life the community LeoFinance was to share information about projects and opportunities, and to share knowledge about finance, to grow together and reach financial independence. The brand LeoFinance took years to build, and it still exists, as a community on Hive and Inleo, but now the front-end is not exclusive to LeoFinance; it is open to any kind of content and communities.

Recently, we made a change to the editor on the Inleo UI. Now the LeoFinance community is not set by default, but you can click on "Select Community" and pick any community that you like. The same can be done on Threads.

Despite LeoFinance being now a part of Inleo and not the main product, the vision is still there: to share information to help (and entertain) each other. Big opportunities, like getting to know RUNE and CACAO, or Thorchain and Maya, came from the community sharing on Threads, so if you have any interesting piece of information, share it on Threads. We had a tag for project discovery, #leoalpha, and we should bring it back. I’ll be sharing some alpha there too.

If you know someone who still thinks Inleo is only for finance, bring them here and let them know that is something of the past. The community still exists on Hive and Inleo, but the front-end is for any kind of content.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank You for the update. !LOLZ

inLeo insets Leofinance.

Microblogging is the future and I think together with robust tokenomics microblogging will scale new highs. In that context, inLeo leads this front.

Thank you.


I love to be a member of leofinance community and inleo ecosystem will definitely keep developing, together we will make it possible

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Bringing communities together on INLEO would be a great deal to growing this project.

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