How to use LeoDEX | Part 3 - How to Swap

in LeoFinance2 months ago

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Part 3 of my "How to use LeoDEX" series

Using LeoDEX to trade between assets makes crypto trading a quick, simple breeze.

Use the all new LeoDEX to swap BTC & other native assets, powered by Maya Protocol

Make sure to check out parts 1 & 2

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Nice tutorial. I miss part two

check the description or my profile

It looks really easy, it's very interesting, especially the possibilities it opens up.

Without a doubt this Dex will be a very useful tool, thanks for the tutorial series. It's nice to see you on screen.

yeah man, many doors opening for hive through this connection. Hope you're doing well

Another amazing video although the music was a bit in the way. It was amazing and informative

ah, sorry about that. new to making these kind of videos

Leo just got an extra boost to the upside during the bull run. Another amazing video, you are a natural. Keep them coming.

not just Leo. HIVE too

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Do you know the accounts used for the swaps?

The last time I used @leodex swap, the swap was having an liquidity crisis and @leodex simply kept the 10 HIVE I sent them.

I found that it is worthwhile to use a blockchain explorer to verify that the swap iws working and has the funds needed to fulfill the order.


I'm not really sure what you're asking here. If you're worried about liquidity, you can check maya protocol pools at


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@yintercept(1/15) tipped @l337m45732