Sign Up! Or I Won't Let You Browse!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

A while ago, I deleted Reddit and Twitter account. Next day, habit took over me and checked the same sites.

What next? I scroll a few bits, and there is pop-up asking me to sign up or login otherwise they wouldn't allow me to browse in peace.


I didn't want to create new account. So searched for alternatives and came across this gem of github page.

It contains almost all popular site front/back ends. Some web based, some platform based.

Some frontends that are yet to be added to the list.

You can simply replace '' in any URL with '' (if this doesn't work, use other instances.

Suppose this is the link,


Don't care about privacy? Just put '?' At end of quora link to view the answer without logging in.

Works similar to quora above , replace the IMDb url with Libremdb instance url. More instances here.


  • Extension to automatically redirect Twitter links to Nitter: Chrome | Firefox

  • Extension to automatically redirect many popular sites to privacy friendly frontends: Libredirect

  • Automatically redirect content based user defined rules: Redirector

If you are code savvy, you can do great things with Redirector. It supports regular expressions and wildcards. Feel free to check out 'Help' section after downloading it.

Here is example to redirect YT music links to HyperPipe, wildcards are simpler than regular expression.

Have fun!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta