The New User Interface & I - LEO&HODL Contest

The Leo&hodl contest is back and running, I'm so glad to found it thanks to the tags and will be able to participate once again. This week's focus doesn't seem hard for me at all as it is about my most recent and one of my favourite project in the Leofinance community... The User Interface

I've got so much share about my experience using the new interface and I'll try to put all in this post as my entry, but I'm sure there will be more to say about it as days count ahead with me still exploring and enjoying the new development.


The new user interface also called "Everything App" or twitter on Hive is a new space provided by the Leofinance community for microblogging and other activities including more to be added

This app was launched a week ago and has attracted a lot of users and communities to itself, the credit would go to the team that worked hard to bring this efforts to light. Using the old interface was so much fun back then but this new interface is way better, much better.

My expectations from the new Alpha Leofinance user interface?

Truth be told, I've always thought that the new UI will be just another addition to the blockchain and its own features to enjoy but never did I think it will go beyond that for me. The interface is exceeding my expectations in so many ways that I can't think of more expectations from it.

Well with that said, I'd say I expect that more users will join in using the interface and more features be added for better usage... A lot is going on about these expectations already so I'm not so bothered and I'll just keep looking forward to the next addition and enjoy it.

What are the strong and weak sides of the user interface?

The new interface has a lot of strong sides to it and a few weak sides I've noticed so I'll start with the weak sides but these weaknesses are only a kind of suggestion not out of the fact that I don't love what has been put in place but because I think of the betterment of the interface.


The login method I'll suggest that more login methods be added alongside the keychain log in method. Maybe hivesigner or peaklock too but an explanation to why we don't have other login method is always welcomed.

The long content creation space needs to be given some attention so it could be more comfortable for users to create posts from there. Especially with the addition of saving drafts incase of network issues or loss of idea to continue writing at a moment.

Notifications should be made clickable, it will go a long way in making this easier for users to navigate through threads especially old ones and react more quickly to them.

There might be more weakness to be made strong but here is the strong side to using the new user interface which I think surpasses the weak sides of it.

Fast and easier to use There's no better happiness for an online user than when there's good network and the app they're on is working fast, it helps get work done faster. The new UI is simply that for me, I get to thread faster than I had been doing with the old interface.


Bookmarks available I can now save important threads to read later or check it's comment and anything else I'd like to do with it. I make use of bookmarks in other frontends a lot so this addition in the new UI is for my comfortability hehe.

More users, more to read and explore Ever since the new UI was launched, it's strength has doubled as more users are getting acquainted with it, making it more fun and easy to explore different aspect of the blockchain through threads update from users from all over the Hive blockchain.

Earning more and growing faster The monetizing aspect of the new UI is what excites me most as more tokens are joining in for users to earn as they share their threads with the new UI. I can now earn Hive, Leo and Gosh tokens for threading.

Should the user interface look like Twitter?


It definitely looks like Twitter but I'm much more comfortable with the new UI than with twitter as I feel like I'm with my family there than on twitter. Twitter is way wider and has more users than the new UI does now but I'm very positive that we're only at the beginning of a great future for this app.

The major difference I'm so excited to say anywhere between these two is the monetary aspect as one could earn from using the new UI but only gain slow popularity on twitter lol.

What are the benefits of increasing engagement on LeoFinance?

Lots of benefits and I see the new UI making that even more available in the blockchain than never before. Engagement is what has been keeping the blockchain alive and fun to be in so it's benefits can not be overlooked. I've been in other platforms that doesn't seem to place any importance in engagement, Hive is super better than them because of that act.

Engagement benefits both users and developers as it shows appreciation to efforts made and also help to grow each account that involves in it. Engagement is the main focus of blogging on Hive, the present and future of Hive.

I'd like to stop and invite @henrietta27 and @iskafan to join in the contest

Thanks for reading, your comments and support will be very much appreciated
First image was designed with Canva
Screenshots were made from the new interface

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( @mhizsmiler.leo ) sharing the post on LeoThreads.

Thank you so much for the mention, will get to it

You're welcome, looking forward to your entry