Accountable .:. MyHiveGoals 2024

in LeoFinancelast month

Darn! I did my last #MyHiveGoals post 3 weeks ago, which is probably the longest break that I had between these reports! The main point of doing these posts is to keep myself motivated, focused, and accountable! It looks like this "unfortunate event", or better said experiment, showed exactly how it is to fail at all 3 things by skipping such a simple, but beneficial habit of creating these reports...

And exactly that was the topic of the video that I watched on YouTube just a few minutes before, creating GOOD HABITS that can change your life forever! It wasn't about #MyHiveGoals, of course, 😃 but I can easily connect it with any of the points from that video...

Created in

The IRONY is in the fact that my last report was named "HYPNOTIZED", which was probably one of the states where I was in the meantime... lol... Okay, I don't want to be too hard on myself as I did have some unexpected events and issues along the road, but could I have done better? Yes, I could...

That's why I named this post "Accountable" as I like to self-reflect on things that I have done and try to be better next time! Yes, I made a mistake and I take myself accountable for that... I will write that down (maybe by creating a post about it), to remind myself for the future... to be better...

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Back to the #MyHiveGoals numbers... Here we are 3 weeks after the last report...

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First things first, my HivePower goal doesn't go as well as I planned... I didn't power down any HP for ages (or ever?), and the number is growing nicely just from my curation rewards, but I have raised the bar for this year more than just APR of curation on HIVE! I made the goal much higher because I knew that I would try to wiggle and create less content if I could... 🙂 Again, it's not the problem that I don't have ideas for posts, it is more about that focus that goes to some other things...

So, after entering the current numbers in the table, I looked at them without switching to 5th month of the year and even then, I wasn't on my monthly goal with my HivePower! I did a nice 500 HP power-up at this month's #HivePUD, and my total HP grew almost 1300HP in the last 3 weeks, but that's far away from the "needed" amount for catching up with my HivePower goal!


To catch up with my monthly goal, I would have to accumulate over 2500 HP this month, which is almost impossible to do... But, it isn't impossible to reduce that gap and make it smaller for the next month... I will have to warm up my chair and work more... More engagement! I need that! I need to go out more and engage more with others! I know the theory, now I only have to do it!

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Let's move into some "brighter numbers"... 😃 What I did push more in the last 2-3 weeks is my SWAP.HIVE:LEN shares goal! I didn't sell almost any of my LEN tokens, and instead doing that, I put all into the pool! Also, I have raised some of my HP delegations to @liotes.voter to collect more LEN dividends and that helped a lot, too!

In the last 3 weeks, the number of SWAP.HIVE:LEN shares went up for 221, which makes it around 70 shares per week... To reach my monthly goal for May, I need around 75 shares more, which is doable as we are only at the beginning of the month! Pretty optimistic about this one!!!

Speaking of optimism, my Rising Star goal is doing even better! The number of cards that I own went up by over 1 thousand in the last 3 weeks and I need around 3.5K cards more to reach my YEARLY goal!

What is interesting about the Rising Star is that even with this growth, I'm still struggling to keep my position in general rankings in the game! That doesn't bother me too much at all, but it does the opposite! It is encouraging to see that people are playing the game and pushing hard! The interest in the game is still there despite the long bear market where many games literally died...

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These were my initial numbers and goals for 2024, created on January 7th, 2024...

MyHiveGoals 2024 Edition - The Beginning!

Join me in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! It is fun, motivating, and will keep you focused!

Thank you for your time,


PS. None of this is financial advice of any kind...

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Good progress on your goals. Even if it's up to what you wanted. The progress reports helps you stay accountable and I think that it will tell you how far you are behind. You can always make changes to get there by the end of the year.

You are right about that! These reports help to realize the present status and try to tweak things up to help them advance better!


Making Goals and Achieving them,, other level of satisfaction ❤️

It is! It's a great motivational tool that helps in growing!

Exactly it is! And it also help to get up and over 💪

You mentioned something important: engagement. I know from my own experience that engagement drops over time if you don't push yourself. Seeing how I fell behind on my comments goal, I pushed myself in the last two weeks to engage more on other people's posts, and it worked to reduce the gap to some degree. But if I didn't keep myself accountable on that end, my engagement level would probably fall back again.

About your HP goal, I guess we can say you're still in luck that the price of HIVE is still low. That is if you use any stablecoins or tokens with a better recent evolution than HIVE to buy, besides curation and author rewards.

Speaking of engagement, I agree 100% with you and I do need to be more "hard with myself" regarding that... The thing that pushes me is @Ourpick as I HAVE TO check out at least 2-3 posts per day and engage with authors... That covers my "minimum" engagement with other (sometimes new) users... On the other hand, replying to comments on my own posts sometimes takes a lot of time and I have less for others...

In the end, I don't want to become one of those Hivians who never check others' content and communicate only on their own posts... But, I'm aware that I am going in that direction and that makes me nervous... lol...

About your HP goal, I guess we can say you're still in luck that the price of HIVE is still low. That is if you use any stablecoins or tokens with a better recent evolution than HIVE to buy, besides curation and author rewards.

Regarding the HP goal, I'm not going into it through fiat but rather through other crypto, which makes it a bit easier... As I'm not pushing as hard as I was last year, I suppose that price movements will not be a huge problem... It will, but not big... 🙂

EDIT. Also, my big problem with engagement is these long comments... lol... 😂

Yes, OurPick definitely gives you the incentive to go out there and discover content and comment on it. But this is self-imposed too, because other curation projects are more relaxed about commenting on the posts they curate. You're doing it the proper, but time-consuming way.

In the end, I don't want to become one of those Hivians who never check others' content and communicate only on their own posts...

I know what you mean... Hopefully, we can motivate ourselves to keep engaging outside of our own backyard.

Also, my big problem with engagement is these long comments... lol... 😂

Haha, totally get you! The worst feels when I start writing "War and Peace" to a few-word comment. But responding exhaustively in some cases for others who might read.

Seeing someone who has never powered down amazes me a lot
You’re doing well with your goals. Keep it up!

I'm not 100% sure that I didn't power down in the past as I'm over 5 years on the platform... But, I'm sure I didn't do it lately...
On the other side, it is possible to not power down, but still take the liquid part of the rewards as a profit... ;)

Thank you!

Challenging goals mean high achievement, man. But you told me not to push myself too hard for my goals, and you were right. And you'll get there with steady progress, we both know that.

It's always all about the balance... to not go too hard, but also, to not go too low... If we are out of balance, both ways can be demotivating... and of course, everyone has their own pace, and my limits are not the same as yours... that's normal...
Balance out and remove the unnecessary stress... 🙂

If you manage to reach your swap.hive:len goals, we either will have a lot of money in the pool or you will have close to 60% of the whole liquidity position lol.

However, you are doing a great job filling the pool and increasing your hive power :-)


It's nice to see that the pool is growing! It's much easier to swap tokens from LEN to HIVE and vice versa... Exchanging bigger amounts is also possible with not that big slippage... ;)

You are leveling up nicely keep it up!

Thank you very much! 🙏
How are you doing? Do you have some goals on HIVE for this year?

All good here learning Hive blockchain it's been an amazing first 2 weeks for me. Goals will be get more HP get to know more other communities.

Great to hear that! Poke around, create quality content, and engage with other users and you will do great!

You may not be going at the pace you want but it is still a fantastic pace of growth. Congratulations

Yeah, that's how I comfort myself... 😃
Thanks for your kind words!

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Thanks for your curation! Appreciated!

I have been working on this platform for two and a half years now and I haven't taken a break like this and I work everyday and try to keep working like this and improve my progress.

Lovely progress report