My Hive Goals | Road To Freedom | Token Goals for 2023

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

My Hive Goals.png
all designs made with Canva (HIVE coin graphic by @doze)


Well, it's been a minute...

While I have done a few posts since my recent return to the blockchain, I am still trying to find my footing again & really haven't had a chance to share my new goals & ambitions within our #HIVE community.

This morning seemed to be the perfect time to do so...

As I sit here at my laptop, I started reflecting on things I wanted to focus on this year in general. 2022 was quite a year for me & it was mostly a healing one (as it was for a lot of other people I know). In my recent HivePud post, I talk a little bit about that:

If you know me, you know I am someone who likes to jump in to many things full force; PIXIE POWER MODE. There are so many fun things to explore & discover, which makes my life even more fulfilling. Sometimes that can work for me & other times, well, it can amount to an epic fail ... 😂


However, I don't see anything as a failure per se, as long as we try in the first place. If we learned something from the experience, it's a "learning opportunity" - a different kind of win.


So, with that being said, here I am with some new #HIVE goals. Since I am not a super math whiz, there won't be many charts or graphs to illustrate them. (Besides, I dominantly operate with the right side of my brain, which you will see in future vlogs. ;) )

However, this will be a space to watch, where I will share my goals & journey every few months to show how far I have come...

Pixie Dust.png
all designs made with Canva

It is super important to take actionable & achievable small steps towards whatever you are trying to accomplish. It keeps you motivated & going forward. Also celebrating the small victories, along with the big ones, is just as crucial.

all designs made with Canva


This time around, I am focusing only on 5 tokens along with HP & HBD. Some will be staking goals (as you will see indicated) & the others are to accumulate. (Of course, I will have other tokens as well in my H-E wallet, but just not hyper focused.)

To keep things simple but also a personal challenge:


all designs made with Canva/and whoops, the HP goal is supposed to be 25K (thank you to @jfang003 for pointing this out!)

To make it a bit simpler, I divided the time into 3 month intervals since I do well with quarterly check ins.

Some of the goals are a bit easier than others. Being someone who actually uses some of the assets I acquire due to some economic changes in my personal life (partially because of less income & high inflation), some of them will be a bit more challenging.

I am up to the task! Pixie Dust Mode on...

Dipping my toe back in the water is definitely the start I needed to get back into the awesome HIVE mode & start recreating the pixie dust magic!! Let's see how far we go....

So let me ask you, what are your HIVE goals for yourself this year? If you're not sure where to start, you can read this post by @robwillmann, who started the whole #MyHiveGoals trend. (Big shout out to you, Sir!):


Feel free to let me know in the comments below what your #HIVE goals are for 2023. We can cheer each other on throughout the months & see what else we can accomplish along the way! ✨

Thanks so much for reading & remember, keep going for your dreams & know you are enough!


Don't forget to follow, reblog, and find me on Hive to connect, engage & find some pixie dust!

You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. ODYSEE



As older I am less goals I have. I'll go with flow. !CTP

That is a great point! Great minds think alike. 😉

I am not a believer of resolutions (because they are just wishes anyways) & overdoing the goals can be discouraging as well. 2023 is meant for more flow, I think.

With the exception of the HIVE goals I have & a couple of personal things I'd like to achieve, I want to see where 2023 takes me. The less resistant we are to flow, the better.

Great to see you. Hope you are doing well! 💚 ✨


Look who I bumped into 😃
My lovely Hive friend and sister!
How have you been Jenn?

Some cool goals there, I trust you will be achieving them.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yay! Hey Joe!


Awesome to "see" you here.... always wonderful to chat with you!

I am doing well. Life has been an adventure but in a really good place right now. How are you?? I hope 2023 is treating you well and kindly. You definitely deserve that.

Thank you for the support. I am sure some goals will grow and/or change as the months go on, but it's always good to have a starting point at least lol.

Sending you !LUV & !WINE & hugs 🤗💚✨

Am well thanks Jenn, so it's been a good start to the year, it is going to be a year when I make a big change but am being optimistic about it. Otherwise it's been good so far.

It is good that we at least start, so we get going. Good luck achieving your goals. Nice seeing you around 🤗

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Best wishes for you in 2023 with all of your goals.!

Posted using Proof of Brain

Thank you, my friend! I wish you the same! Keep crushing it with your music.

Sending much love & pixie dust💚✨


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Welcome back and nice goals. Just wondering, but is your hp goal for HP 25k and not 2.5k?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @jfang003 ! Thank you! It feels good to be back & great to see you!

And whoops! Yes! It is 25K I am shooting for ha ha - might be a big leap, but heck, why not try, right? I need to fix that typo on the chart! LOL

Have an awesome day!


Yes, I know that feeling of jumping into many things all too

It is super important to take actionable & achievable small steps towards whatever you are trying to accomplish. It keeps you motivated & going forward. Also celebrating the small victories, along with the big ones, is just as crucial.

But what you mention here, is so important!

Thank you for sharing your goals with us, @pixiepost! Good luck with achieving all of them!

Enjoy 2023! I hope it will be a better year for you, showing growth in leaps and bounds and good health to go along with it sothat you can enjoy it!

Exactly! I think celebrating the small wins are more powerful than the big ones sometimes. We all need something to keep us motivated & that can be different for each of us. It's just a matter of figuring out what it is.

Thank you so much for the well wishes. 2022 was a good year overall (despite some events), but I have a feeling 2023 will be a better one for us as long as we keep showing up for ourselves every day. :)

Sending pixie dust & !LUV your way!💚✨


Thank you!

Stay well and stay !ALIVE

@pixiepost! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @jacoalberts. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

@jacoalberts, @pixiepost(2/4) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

Made with by crrdlx

Thank you for the token! I do appreciate it!

So let me ask you, what are your HIVE goals for yourself this year?

I didn't create my goals for 2023, but I will do it in a couple of days... Still thinking about tokens that I will add to them... After reaching all my goals in 2022, I'm even more cautious with the new ones... :)

BTW, You have picked some nice tokens there! Thanks for adding LENM to your list! I'm sure that that one will not disappoint you... 😃

Much !LUV

I totally get where you are coming from. It has been kind of a tricky market, especially after the past year or so. It takes time to see what tokens will best fit what you're looking to achieve. I wouldn't be surprised if my tokens change along with the year & my own life journey so I am definitely open to that; hence, go with the flow...

Thank you for the kind words & yes, LENM had to be a part of it all. I sense even better things within the @liotes Universe... ;)

Good to see you. Much love & !WINE bestie! 💚 ✨

Have a great 2023 and best of luck on your Hive goals!

Happy 2023! Thank you so much. Great to see you. I hope you're doing awesome & smash your goals as well. 💚 ✨



Nice to see you back recently
Best to you

Hi Cheryl! :) Thank you so much. I appreciate you. It's nice to be back!

Much love & pixie dust 💚 ✨


I miss you
I noticed you missing
Tho I believe you were working on other things
Saw you on Twitter

🍕 PIZZA Party!

I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
joetunex tipped pixiepost (x1)
adysscheryl tipped pixiepost (x1)
pixiepost tipped seckorama (x1)
@pixiepost(3/15) tipped @jacoalberts (x1)
pixiepost tipped the-bitcoin-dood (x1)
pixiepost tipped ph1102 (x1)
pixiepost tipped jfang003 (x1)
pixiepost tipped ugochill (x1)

Learn more at!

Thank you for the token! I do appreciate it!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @pixiepost ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Hi, Jenn! This is so awesome you had some Hive to help you out during the tough times!
This is awesome!
Good luck on your goals.
I'm going to try and do my comments and upvotes and I reblog posts and share posts on threads. I try to do 20 a day. Reading makes me really tired and is not the easiest thing in the world for me to do.
Barb 😊🤗

Thank you Cuddle Kitten!😻✨