Managing Virtual Identity and Privacy

in LeoFinance17 days ago

Hello and Namaste everyone

It is the 21st century and the good thing about this time is that we are highly advanced with technology. Internet is easily available at higher speed and devices are so smart. I mean to say we have highly advanced smartphones with us along with laptops and different other gadgets that can perform various tasks. The high-speed Internet has made our lives easy because things can be done in less time. We have a massive amount of content available in online streaming websites so it's just a tap that is needed to see the content. Online banking is available on smartphone devices as well and we can perform almost every banking activity just by sitting at home.

This is the advantage of technology where we have social media that allows us to connect with people across the world. Now we don't need to rely on traditional phone calls because the calling facility is available on social media platforms where the Internet is the only requirement. Apps like Whatsapp etc are so very popular. This is good for us but at the same time, we also need to understand that we need to manage our virtual identity and keep our privacy in control. Social media is a place where people share a lot and sometimes this content can be a problem because you never know how someone will use this information against you. So the question is how to maintain it and the precautions that we need to take.


What I do for my Privacy

First of all, I'm not a pro but still, I have gone through some of the articles that suggest us to follow certain steps when working online or even working on social media.

  • It's fine to share our photographs because sometimes it is good to give it a real touch because, without the real photo, it is hard to get an audience. But we need to be careful about what type of photo we are sharing and this is important so I make sure that I share the image which is a good feat for the social media open platforms.
  • I don't share any demographic and geographic details over the Internet because this is something that people can misuse.
  • I never share my contact information on social media because you never know how someone gets access to it and it can be a problem because there are a lot of scammers who can use the contact information for wrong purposes.
  • Even I don't share my address on social media and I'm very particular about it. Anything related to my location I always try not to share and ensure that even by mistake it doesn't happen.
  • When I record the videos etc then also I make sure that no information represents my location because that is something I should be taking care of and I can do it without losing the real touch of my content. For example when people shoot videos for YouTube etc then they also shoot within the room and it does not show any of their personal information.
  • I think that it's fine to share the videos and photos on social media because when we stay real in social media then it helps to get the audience connected, but we need to be particular with certain information.

Spending time on social media is fun. It's good to work in an online space but by following certain practices we can ensure that whatever we share on social media and in the virtual world is not a problem. We can't say how other people can handle the information and how it is going to be misused so it is better to avoid sharing such information because it's our responsibility to manage our virtual identity and privacy.

This is my participation post for Initiative: May Monthly Prompt

Thank you so much
Stay safe

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Social Media has confused our real identity and we feel lost in the web of social media. I also refrain to share my moments on social media platforms.

Its needed for us to know what to share and what to not.. internet does not forget anything so we need to be safe

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