
resistance is fertile

HaHa!!! That was a good one. :D

Truly, gentrification isn't good but, if it didn't happen, it wouldn't have brought tons of like minded people together to start something. ... a movement.

The truth is that these things will always happen. There are lots of factors edging it toward possibility which is why I do agree with this;

Rather than let an oppressor define you, focus on spreading your fruits.

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I would not say demolishing people’s favorite place is good but it only makes sense when something reasonable is built on it just like the departmental store that you have mentioned

How do you like crapitalism now?

I agree with your light hearted notion towards the ever ongoing changes around. It shows a lot of your humor.

Though, once age sets in to bother one, this "go with the flow attitude" loses a lot of its appeal. At least, that counts for me, since I now reached my mid fifties.
You really become tired of all the changes, and you find the pace in which this happens, too hasty.
Not, because of the changes themselves, but what they require you to cope with. When things are always new, they cannot become old, is what I mean. It's a race, I'd say. And also a reality.

A traveler and an adventurer welcomes the base from where he started his journey, to visit and tell his stories. That requires folks who remained where they were, and like to invite you to a cup of tea to listen to what you have to report.

For me, it's actually time to move out of the city. That said, it's easier said than done.