I guess I was right

in LeoFinance2 months ago (edited)

Couple of weeks ago.

I made a post after I went to a local coin shop to say hi.

I noticed that a lot of “sheep” looking people were there to sell their gold and silver, which had just started to reach the ATH prices.


I had a feeling though, I felt like these people who were selling had the same “energy” as the people who were buying bitcoin at the very top in 2021

This “energy” made me come to the instinctual conclusion that this was not the top, this was a new level we will surpass and and send off to new highs in price discovery mode.

And what happened after? Gold shot up and is now 20% higher than the previous ATH’s

Super uncharted territories… Unprecedented demand… or is it?

Maybe this is just gold and silver adjusting themselves to a new reality.

I won’t lie, I have not been keeping up with the r/gold and r/wallstreetsilver subreddits for a few weeks.

So I am “behind” on my news and latest events in the metals space.

I did see something about the banks being in big trouble if silver passes $30 USD… I would like to look into this some more, anyone care to share their thoughts on the subject?

Costco keeps raising their prices almost on a daily basis trying to keep up with the spot prices.

Metals have a lot of consecutive green days in a row. Stairs up and elevator down? Can we expect a decent sized dip soon?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Lovely.. atleast they got some profit I know a couple of bitcoiners who would have kept the tocken until it went back super low. I am happy to see gold finally move, indeed we are in uncharted territories

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