More Bullish on Leo or Hive?

in LeoFinance23 days ago

Either way, you are supporting the Hive ecosystem buy picking one or the other (lets pretend we can only pick one)

But how many ERC20 coins are there that outperformed Ethereum?

How many PRC20 coins out performed Pulsechain?

How many (don’t know what you call them) coins on Solana outperformed Sol itself?

So it is no surprise if we see Leo price exceed hive’s price one day and keep going.

The question would remain, why would that happen?

Well, until recently, before the Maya involvement, one of the only ways to get Leo was to get Hive first.

But as we find ways to get Leo itself without having to get hive first is where we can see the most growth.

A good example of this would be a look at bitcoin and ethereum.

There was a point the only way to get ethereum was to first get some bitcoin.

This is why their prices moved together so closely before.

There wasn’t a magical hand that pressed the buy and sell button at the same time for all these assets. Its the pairing with bitcoin which would push ETH up 10% whenever bitcoin was up 10%.

But then, at some point, there were more and more ways to buy ETH without having to go through bitcoin first.

As this increased, ETH had its own run separate from BTC.

We might be in the process of witnessing LEO take off in a similar fashion.

For one, you can only get LEO tokens now by posting using the LEO app/front end/webpage etc.

Before, anyone doing anything on hive had some LEO waiting for them when they eventually came over (correct me if im wrong)

But now if you want those coins you must actually come to inleo, which helps revenues and metrics a ton.

The biggest thing is the LEO premium. Those 10hbd per month WILL eventually make a difference to price. For sure there are a lot of people who will pretty much pay that 10 HBD every month without question.

We need more of those people.

Imagine one day 10,000 premium users, that is massive buy pressure for the LEO token.

Do we even have 10,000 actual individual users on hive?

Maybe in a few years?

For now, I am stacking up my LEO tokens, maybe cash some out at $1? Who knows, see you there though :)

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Bullish on both, I think inleo will be a great contributor to the growth of Hive.