Remember those coins I talked about?

in LeoFinance20 days ago

Click on my profile, follow since you’re there, then find the post I was talking about. 7-8 days ago

I was about to post a bunch of screenshots of these coins but I rather leave some meat on the bone for you to get yourself if you’re interesting.

Being “spoonfed” information is one thing, but having it shoved down your thought is another.

These 2 charts are 2 different coins, but these coins work together.

These coins are GIFF and pGIFF

Now I know what some of you are thinking… “pGIFF? Is that a pulsechain coin? So GIFF is the ethereum version”

Well, not exactly.

GIFF and pGIFF are both tokens built on top of Pulsechain.

Look at that, a couple of haters clicked x already cause they don’t like Pulsechain.

Oh well.

GIFF was built on Pulsechain because the technology they use would be too expensive to run on ethereum.

There is 1 billions GIFF tokens.

What can you do with your GIFF tokens? Well, if you want, you can BURN GIFF to create pGIFF.

Might take a moment to digest this image, quality is low but you can still read it all

BnB means Buy and Burn

So the way it works, you take 10 pls per GIFF, run it through the contract and MINT yourself pGIFF

The GIFF gets sent to a dead address

The PLS goes towards buying and burn PGIFF off the open market using a DEX aggregator (which spreads your order across the most liquid pairs to get best price execution)

One side note, GIFF that is burnt is sent to a dead address that was forked over to pulsechain, so although no one has control over those coins, they are still counting towards “circulating supply’ or “total supply”

But the pGIFF that is bought off the market through to contract is actually DELETED.

So basically if PGIFF’s price is 10pls more that GIFF’s price then you can ARB the price difference by burning your GIFF and paying a 10pls per GIFF fee to mint yourself pGIFF

Example: 10,000 GIFF goes in, you also pay a 100,000 pls fee, then you can MINT yourself 10,000 pGIFF, that fee you paid goes toward buying that coin on the market, which is illiquid relatively, so it pushes the price up, and permanently removes those coins from existence.

By the way, for the people who have read this far, the p in pGIFF stands for perma. The Perma Bull. The Perma Bull idea came from the PulseX buy and burn.

For those that don’t know PulseX is a uniswap type DEX built on pulsechain.

So if you have ever used a DEX, you know that self custody is awesome, and the transactions are worth the 0.29% fee

The thing with PulseX is that fee goes towards buying and burning the PulseX coin, which translates into a whale, that just buys a lot everyday, and NEVER sells… thus, Perma Bull.

This system needed another piece

Introduce iBurn

This changed things a bit.

There is a coin called icosa.

This icosa coin, just like every other erc20 coin, got forked over to pulsechain.

So, this contract, can burn either icosa, the original one from ethereum, or the pulsechain version.

This mechanic is actually making people bridge over their eIcosa to pulsechain so they can burn it for iBurn

If eIcosa and Icosa on pulsechain reach parity it would be very interesting.

If you notice though in the image, you need 1,500 pls per Icosa or eIcosa to mint your iBurn.

85% of that 1,500 pls goes towards burning and deleting the iBurn off the market

But, 15% of that 1,500 pls goes towards buying and burning pGIFF

So, what happens. Brace yourself for a lot of new but real information

eIcosa and Icosa wake up after having their own “drama” and storyline that we won’t go into.

eIcosa pumps.

If it pumps high enough it will kick start the icosa/hedron system buying up cheap eHEX to make 5555 stakes for the auctions to mint icosa to then bridge over to pulsechain to burn along with the pls fee to mint iBurn which causes buy pressure for iBurn and pGIFF but that buy pressure is deleting supply, when supply goes low and buys keep coming in what happens to price?

Well… these are the prices 8 days ago

Around 1.6 cents each…

Guess what, they are worth 5.2 cents as I am writing this.

THIS is what tokenomics is all about.

This is how you build in “perma bull” mechanics into your system.

Creation, not inflation.

When done right, you are profiting from destroying something that already exists in order to create something completely new, and the fee you are paying to do this creates an up and to the right price chart.

The INLEO team is waking up to the power of tokenomics.

Built in price pumps is the best marketing

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I like this perma bull tokenomics! I had seen the term in a video title or thumbnail recently but I didn't watch it. Would have been nice to learn about it before it went to the moon.

But there are many moon plays on PulseChain. I've been interested in #nanana since I watched a video by yourfriendSommi back on April 17th. The memecoin instantly reminded me of the song Banana Split which is an oldie that Apple recently used in an ad for a Yellow iPhone they were selling. The song in the ad sounded cool and with Google and YouTube I was able to track it down. Seems it was a big hit in parts of Europe when it came out but never hit in the USA.

So in my mind, the $nanana token as it's own video :) Seems perfect for a memecoin.

Anyway, thanks for the detailed info on GIFF and pGIFF and iBurn. I will surely check into it further!

I didn’t even know Nanana existed, look at that chart though wow I need to see whats the story there.

GIFF PGIFF iBurn are going crazy, bringing eIcosa and Icosa to parity and pumping them. If eIcosa goes higher it will kickstart the eHex auctions people staking their ehex 5555 to mint new eIcosa to then bridge over to pulsechain to burn for iBurn which just feeds the buy and burn wallets which both have over $100k worth of pls sitting in them to push up iBurn and pGIFF which just amplifies the price going up and the burning… i don’t see how this will slow down lol

Meanwhile haters on hive coping calling these all fake gains while hive just lingers under 40 cents at least LEO team is waking up to the power of tokenomics :)

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