STEMGeeks burn report - 54% burned this week - April 20th, 2023

in LeoFinancelast year

STEMGeeks has burned all the author rewards on @steemgeeks and curation rewards on @stemcuration.

There are 11,775 STEM tokens created for the reward pool weekly.

  • @stemgeeks author rewards - 61.365621 STEM
  • @stemcuration curation rewards - 1579.69806 STEM
  • 75% Author Rewards Burned - 4293.280744 STEM
  • APE Mining Club - 442 STEM
  • Burned for post promotion - 3 STEM

Total Burned: 6,379.344425 STEM (~54% of weekly reward pool)

We continue to burn all our author and curation rewards on our official accounts.

All STEMGeek's official stake is being unstaked

Read more here

Get more author rewards

Post from and get full STEM author payouts for your posts. Posts made on any other front end will only receive 50% author rewards.

Linear rewards are now enabled!

20% of the reward pool goes to STEM Miners?

99% of the miners have been burned. Do you have any?
If you like collecting STEM passively, STEM Miners have you covered.
You can grab some on Hive Engine.

There are a limited number of STEM Miners available.

Promote your posts by burning STEM to @null

Send STEM tokens to null with a STEM post in the memo. This will push your post above all others as a promoted post. It takes very little STEM to do this and be placed at the top as there is little competition for this feature right now.

By using STEM for promotion you reduce the STEM token supply increasing the potential value of the token

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


good to see the $STEM token burn.. just waiting for the time that we start to see all these burns for STEM token moving in the right direction with the price of the token rising as well... cheers

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